infrastructure report card

leaking pipe of drinking water

New Jersey Report Card Coming Next Week

With only a few weeks left before New Jersey’s Transportation Trust Fund goes insolvent, the Report Card for New Jersey’s Infrastructure will be released on Thursday, June 16 to underscore the importance to #FixNJTrustFund with a sustainable, long-term funding solution. The report will grade surface transportation categories of bridges, rail, roads, and transit, along with dams, drinking water,......

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Washington monument

Infrastructure in the News: New Year Inspires New Ideas

The new year is off to a roaring start, with Washington, D.C. releasing its first infrastructure report card, ASCE issuing its Moore, Oklahoma tornado report and many states addressing their infrastructure plans for 2016. ASCE’s National Capital Section released the 2016 Report Card for D.C.’s Infrastructure January 14, giving the nation’s capital a grade of......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

D.C. Infrastructure Report Card Gives C- Overall, Lowest Grade to Levees

The 2016 Report Card for D.C.’s Infrastructure is an independent review of the current state of infrastructure needs, capability and funding in D.C. by the National Capital Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Report Card was written over the past year by ASCE members from the D.C. region who assigned the grades......

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Infrastructure Needs Crescendo

With major delays on the DC metro during rush hour, two train derailments, and Arizona’s state report card release, 15 days until the Highway Trust Fund expires, Infrastructure Week highlighted the importance of investing in infrastructure through and a week of planned infrastructure awareness events and the unforeseen infrastructure problems. echo the pleas for a......

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New Year, New Congress, New Hope for Infrastructure Investment

It’s a new year, and with a new Congress in session, there is hope that a federal funding solution for infrastructure can soon be reached. Congress has given us reasons to be optimistic, with more bipartisan support for infrastructure funding buzzing at the federal level. Upon reflecting on the past year’s infrastructure challenges, ranging from......

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This Week in Infrastructure: The Cascading Effect of Aging Infrastructure

  As the weather changes and our infrastructure continues to be neglected, issues and disruptions are increasing. Infrastructure collapses, like the water main break in DC, remind us that failing infrastructure is fragile and unpredictable—and should be continuously maintained to help prevent a crisis. On Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a 12-inch water main ruptured below......

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This Week in Infrastructure: All the Reasons to Fix the Trust Fund

Reports on transportation investment and its overall benefits to the economy provide incentive for Congress to #FixTheTrustFund as state lawmakers make their own push for infrastructure investment. On Tuesday, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) released the 2015 Bottom Line Report, which thoroughly evaluated......

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Infrastructure Week: Share with Your Elected Officials

It’s Infrastructure Week!  And also officially National Transportation Week, as designated by Presidential proclamation.  So what are you doing to celebrate?  Planning your next visit with your elected officials would be a good start. ASCE has lots of resources for members and infrastructure advocates to use when planning a visit to discuss infrastructure issues with......

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This Week in Infrastructure: One Year Anniversary of the Report Card

One year ago this week, we released our 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. Our nation’s D+ infrastructure grade is an important piece of data to share as we advocate for infrastructure investment, especially as the United States approaches the Highway Trust Fund’s financial cliff later this year. Over the past year, ASCE and the......

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Meet IP3, the New P3 Where Citizens Are the Owners

If you follow the infrastructure financing debate about how America is going to fund our future infrastructure needs, you have probably heard the term P3 or public-private partnership discussed as an innovative financing structure to utilize private investment in public infrastructure. However, with the release of the American Enterprise Institute’s new report, Road Pricing and......

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