infrastructure report card

Help – What’s a Key Alert? How to Become an Infrastructure Grassroots Champion

ASCE recently sent out what we call a “Key Alert” to members last week urging them to contact their members of Congress and support reauthorizing the bill that funds the nation’s airports. With legislation finally introduced in both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), it’s the......

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road safety data tool

New data tool on road safety helps implement bipartisan infrastructure law

by Heather Ducharme, Director of Future Digital Business Products, GM by Harnit Anand, Head of Strategy and Business Development – Smart Cities, GM This past year, public and private sector leaders joined forces to address a common challenge facing Americans: the need to improve infrastructure and roadway safety across the country. Progress has been made......

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Movement on School Infrastructure Data Collection

The Report Card on America’s Infrastructure’s chapter on schools opens with the statement that school facilities represent the second largest sector of public infrastructure spending, after highways, and yet there is no comprehensive national data on the condition of K-12 public school infrastructure. To develop the ASCE schools grade of a D+, engineers instead relied......

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Rhode Island’s Infrastructure Gets a ‘C-’ in its State’s First Infrastructure Report Card

The Rhode Island Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released the inaugural 2020 Report Card for Rhode Island’s Infrastructure this morning in a virtual news conference, Speakers included Chad Morrison, P.E., 2020 ASCE Rhode Island President-Elect; Nazifa Sarawat, E.I.T., Chair, 2020 Report Card for Rhode Island’s Infrastructure; Mayor James Diossa of Central......

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Future World Vision Unveiled 2019 ASCE Convention With Extra Push for Infrastructure Advocacy

ASCE’s 2019 Convention looked a little different this year. Attendees are able to step inside a Floating City – the first installment in ASCE’s Future World Vision, which was officially unveiled at this year’s Convention. Outgoing ASCE President Robin A. Kemper opened the morning energizing the audience by sounding the alarm on infrastructure. In her......

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HNTB and CBO Report Infrastructure Spending Is High Priority

This week, both HNTB and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released reports on the need for infrastructure spending.   HNTB The findings from HNTB’s commissioned poll, America Thinks: Funding Congestion Solutions – 2018, were revealed earlier this week. America’s infrastructure received an overall D+ grade in the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card and HNTB’s poll reveals......

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A Look Back: One Year With the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

The 2017 Infrastructure Report Card celebrates its one-year anniversary today. Referenced by champions of infrastructure investment across the nation, the Report Card reminds us that with long-term investment, smart leadership, and preparation for the future, our nation’s D+ infrastructure problems are solvable. Since its release at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. last March, the 2017......

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President Trump Releases Much Anticipated Infrastructure Plan

The Trump Administration has officially released an infrastructure proposal calling for $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investments, with $200 billion of direct federal spending over the course of 10 years. The federal investment is meant to spur investments from state and local governments and private investors. The proposal is divided into four main parts: funding and......

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