gas tax

10 Myths About the Highway Trust Fund

1. The Highway Trust Fund is Running Out of Money Because We Waste Money Thanks to the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), first passed in 1991, transportation projects are planned, developed and executed efficiently while utilizing innovation. Grades in the Report Card prove that when we invest in infrastructure, we see results. The 2013......

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This Week in Infrastructure: White House offers bill to GROW AMERICA

Congress is back in session, but it was not a member of the legislative branch who introduced legislation to fund transportation projects. Instead, the U.S. DOT and President Obama followed up on a promise from earlier this year to propose a $302 billion transportation budget, titled GROW AMERICA (which stands for Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and......

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Highway Trust Fund 101: What You Need to Know

The Highway Trust Fund is set to become insolvent this summer, creating exponential negative consequences for our economy. What? When? Why? Find out how it can be fixed and what you can do to help. What is the Highway Trust Fund? The Highway Trust Fund is how Congress provides federal funding for transportation projects. It......

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State Legislatures Continue to Charge Ahead with Transportation Investment

Lawmakers at the state level continue to seek transportation funding solutions.  Already early in 2014, several state legislatures are considering proposals to increase revenue or dedicate more funds to transportation projects. While a proposal to increase New Mexico’s gas tax by 3-cents per gallon failed to pass before the legislature adjourned this week, several other......

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The Countdown Begins – Our Federal Funding for Transportation May Run Dry Next Year

Transportation is a key issue in 2014 as the Highway Trust Fund will be insolvent by 2015 and MAP-21 is set to expire in September. In some states, transportation projects are already being put on hold because of the uncertainty of future federal funding. The UPDATE Act introduced by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) is just......

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Highway Trust Fund: Running on Empty

…..Tuesday morning, the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit met to discuss the status of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) and the effects its impending insolvency would have on transportation projects nationwide. As it stands, the HTF receives almost 90% of its revenue from taxes on motor fuels. As CAFE standards increase the number of......

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Amendment to Block Trust Fund Diversions Fails

After a mighty effort by members of ASCE and other transportation and infrastructure organizations, Republicans this week voted to remove guarantees that gas tax revenue be used solely to fund surface transportation projects and that yearly appropriations do not have to be at their authorized levels. While this is is certainly a blow to transportation advocates, it is still......

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