gas tax

michigan state house

For Michigan Roads: 8 is Great!

Last week, Michigan’s legislature passed into law a 7.3 cent per gallon fuel tax increase becoming the 8th state in 2016 to increase investment in its transportation infrastructure. Today Governor Rick Snyder (R) signed this bill into law outside of the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association headquarters. Today’s bill signing is at least one year......

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America's G.P.A. D+ estimated investment needed by 2020 $3.6 trillion

How long can 2015 infrastructure live off 1993 dollars?

With the passage of short-term FAA funding reauthorization, New York releasing its state infrastructure report card and more states prioritizing their infrastructure needs, Congress must now turn its attention to passing a long-term transportation bill before Oct. 29. This week, Congress approved a six-month extension of current aviation funding and policy that will keep projects......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Transit and Water Needs Capture Media Attention

With the Pope making his way across our northeastern cities, the topic of traffic congestion was a popular one, highlighting our nation’s transportation needs. The Onion even joked that the Pope even tried to improve the nation’s ailing infrastructure. While not directly related to the Pope’s visit, this week in D.C., the subway system suffered......

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Congress returns, infrastructure needs pile on

Congress is back in session and has a lot of approaching deadlines, including both the surface transportation reauthorization and federal aviation administration reauthorization about to expire. With Labor Day and summer traffic behind us it is critical for Congress to invest in our surface transportation needs so that our nation’s roads don’t fall into even......

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Congress needs a touchdown; no more field goals!

Football season has unofficially launched, and hopefully from now on punts will remain on the field and outside of Congress. While Congress is back home for summer recess, many states are expressing their opinions about the lack of federal funding as more infrastructure needs rise to the surface. In Nebraska, Senator Deb Fischer and Transportation......

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blue usa map

State Legislators Tell Their Peers It is Possible to Raise Gas Tax, and Give them Guidance on How to Do It

State legislators from around the country were in Seattle last week for the annual National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Legislative Summit.  Approximately 5,000 state legislators, legislative staffers, federal officials and others attended the meeting to gain invaluable knowledge from experts and fellow legislators to take back to their respective states. Attendees participated in an......

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USDOT to Public: #ShowUsYourInfraWear

With Congress on recess and the new short-term highway patch hourglass beginning to slowly sieve, the symptoms of our nation’s aging infrastructure are gaining more attention from the media and states. Just this week, a subway train derailed in Washington, D.C., causing extreme delays for daily commuters. In response to the ubiquity of worn out......

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Gas Tax Gets New Attention

The hour glass is running thinner on the federal surface transportation program. Congress has only three weeks left to pass a robust, multiyear surface transportation bill before the self-imposed deadline. This week ASCE joined with the American Road and Transportation Builders Association in sponsoring an ad directed at Congress and the President, asking that they......

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