
Obama Proposes Plan for Infrastructure Funding

President Obama today gave another in his series of economic speeches at an Amazon distribution center in Tennessee to propose a cut in corporate tax rates in return for a commitment from Republicans to invest more in programs spurring middle-class jobs. As stewards of our nation’s infrastructure, the ASCE is encouraged by President Obama’s proposal to direct......

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Can-Do States Who Tackle Infrastructure Are Just What the U.S. Economy Needs

Sometimes you just have to do it yourself. That’s the message some states seem to be sending as federal infrastructure bills like the Water Resources Development Act keep getting sidelined by Congress or only seeing short-term efforts like the MAP-21 Transportation Reauthorization. The Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings has called these states that have decidedly......

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The Panama Canal Expansion and Commerce

The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee held a hearing this afternoon on the expansion of the Panama Canal and the effects that the expansion will have on freight movement in the United States. The issue is one that ASCE has been discussing in depth over the past few months, because the economic impacts could......

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Sections and Branches Lead the Way on the 2013 Report Card

This March, ASCE released the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure in a brand new format as a tablet and smart phone app during the annual Congressional Fly-In. ASCE members from all 50 states participated in taking the infrastructure message to Capitol Hill and shared the Report Card with their Members of Congress. Members have......

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Obama Expands On Infrastructure Proposals

President Obama last week provided more detailson his infrastructure plans that were first mentioned during the State of the Union address. The administration released a fact sheet that offers some specifics, however many of the details will still have to wait until the President releases his budget proposal in a few weeks. The announcement this......

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ASCE Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

The following is a statement from Gregory E. DiLoreto, P.E., P.L.S, D.WRE, president of The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), regarding President Obama’s State of the Union address: “As stewards of our nation’s infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers applauds President Obama’s efforts to improve our country’s ailing infrastructure and get America back......

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The Big Picture on Infrastructure Investment

With our final report in the Failure to Act series released this week, we saw the big picture consequences of failing to invest in our nation’s infrastructure. With this report, ASCE set out to answer this key question: What is impact on America’s economic future if we do not invest in our infrastructure today? With......

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Driving Off the Fiscal Cliff

Congressional leaders and Obama Administration officials continued to meet behind closed doors the past several weeks in order to come to a compromise on the fiscal cliff. Many in Washington are speculating the possibility that the federal gas tax may be reexamined as a revenue option during discussions. Incoming House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill......

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