
Help – What’s a Key Alert? How to Become an Infrastructure Grassroots Champion

ASCE recently sent out what we call a “Key Alert” to members last week urging them to contact their members of Congress and support reauthorizing the bill that funds the nation’s airports. With legislation finally introduced in both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), it’s the......

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Congress Looks to Protect Aviation Infrastructure During COVID-19

With negotiations in Congress underway over a third economic stimulus bill that would address the devastating economic impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus), lawmakers have moved to address key components of our nation’s surface transportation infrastructure. ASCE and its coalition partners have taken this action due to the $10 billion in airport infrastructure emergency funds needed to......

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House Transportation Examines Critical Airport Infrastructure Needs

Much of the buzz on Capitol Hill has been infrastructure-related, which has spurred hearings, discussions, and meetings as a part of a legislative push aimed at developing and passing robust and broad infrastructure legislation. The House Transportation Committee continued the conversation around this legislative push on a critical component of infrastructure investment that keeps our......

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New Airport Infrastructure Report Released

This week, the Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA), an ASCE advocacy partner through the Beyond the Runway Coalition, released a report entitled “Terminally Challenged: Addressing the Infrastructure Funding Shortfall of America’s Airports.” The report’s findings support  conclusions made in ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, and stressed the need for continued leadership and investment. The report......

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Minnesota Earns a “C” in First Infrastructure Report Card

  On Tuesday, October 9, civil engineers gathered at the Minnesota State Capitol for the release of the first-ever Report Card for Minnesota’s Infrastructure. The Report Card gave the state’s infrastructure an overall GPA of “C” and evaluated and graded nine individual infrastructure categories: aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, energy, ports, roads, transit, and wastewater.......

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Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Moves Forward

Finally, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will now have long -term stability. Congress has approved a five-year, $96.7 billion FAA reauthorization bill (HR 302), with the House approving the legislation in September by a vote of 398-23 and the Senate passing the measure by a vote of 93-6. This legislation represents the longest reauthorization of......

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A Record-Breaking Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving week marks the official start of the holiday season, and therefore the official start of the infamous winter travel season. According to AAA, Thanksgiving weekend in 2017 will be the country’s busiest travel season since 2005. With an estimated 50.9 million people traveling 50 miles or more this weekend, you will likely see overcrowded......

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Congressman Larson Introduces the “America Wins Act”

Earlier this month, Congressman John Larson (D-CT) introduced H.R.4209, the America Wins Act – a bill which would invest $1 trillion, through taxing harmful pollution, in our infrastructure over a decade. Under this legislation, $400 billion will be invested  in existing federal highway programs and eliminate the $138 billion Highway Trust Fund (HTF) shortfall; $100......

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