Since 2015, a series of historic weather events caused dozens of state-regulated dam failures which drove lawmakers’ renewed awareness of dams and their risks to public health, safety, and welfare. There are more than 2,200 dams across the state with more than 80% being privately owned. Over the last several years, more than $12 million in one-time and recurring funds have been invested in the South Carolina’s Dams Safety and Reservoir Program housed within the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). DHEC’s personnel has increased, and capacity has expanded such that they now offer services including engineering technical support, dam inspections, and inundation mapping to plan for the future. However, there remain limited resources to support dam owners’ maintenance and repair activities resulting in an unaddressed backlog of dam safety needs. Though funding has increased, South Carolina’s dam safety budget remains well below the national average particularly for spending on high hazard potential dams (HHPDs). About 24% of the state’s inventory is HHPDs which, in the event of failure, could cause catastrophic damage to infrastructure and property while also carrying the risk of injury and death to people. Spending on HHPDs increased from $1,500 to $1,900 per dam, but the value falls under the national average of $4,875 per HHPD. Increased funding and expanded technical capacity are applauded, but ongoing efforts need to continue to determine sustainable sources of funding for dam rehabilitation, maintenance, and other safety projects.