Dams are an essential part of Maryland’s infrastructure that provide critical services such as flood control, water supply, and recreation. There are currently 539 dams in Maryland, approximately 45% of which are high hazard and significant hazard dams. While not indicative of condition, a high or significant hazard classification signals that, in the event of dam failure, there is potential for loss of life, property, and significant impacts on other critical infrastucture. The Maryland Department of the Environment Dam Safety Division (MDE-DSD) is charged with regulating the safety of dams in Maryland. While MDE-DSD is performing better than many other states’ dam safety agencies relative to dam inspections, repairs of deficient dams, and requiring Emergency Action Plans, there is more to be done. Unfortunately, Maryland has no dedicated funding source for repairing dams or ponds, and MDE-DSD’s lack of sufficient resources – personnel and funding – to fully perform all its dam safety duties is concerning.