The Obama Administration has announced that as part of its “We Can’t Wait” initiative, seven nationally and regionally significant infrastructure projects will be expedited to help modernize and expand five major ports in the United States, including the Port of Jacksonville, the Port of Miami, the Port of Savannah, the Port of New York and New Jersey, and the Port of Charleston.
“I am excited to hear the Administration is taking steps to speed up improvements of some of America’s most important infrastructure and our lifeline to international trade – our ports,” said ASCE President Andrew W. Herrmann, P.E.
In March, President Obama signed an Executive Order to charge the Office of Management and Budget with making the permitting and review process for infrastructure projects more efficient and effective. These are the first seven of the initial 43 projects that will be expedited by the Executive Order – additional expedited infrastructure projects will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Obama Administration also announced the establishment of a White House-led Task Force that will consist of senior officials from various White House offices, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Departments of Transportation, Commerce, Homeland Security, and the Treasury. The Task Force will develop a Federal strategy and coordinated decision-making principles that focus on the economic return of investments into coastal ports and related infrastructure to support the movement of commerce throughout the Nation.
For more information on the port projects selected check out the White House site
To read President Herrmann’s full statement, go to ASCE’s website