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Link to Post:">Alabama Needs a State Dam Safety Program

Alabama Needs a State Dam Safety Program

Op-ed by Shelia Montgomery-Mills, President of the Birmingham Branch of the America Society of Civil Engineers. Originally published in the Birmingham News, April 13, 2013. Alabama continues to be the only state in the country without a state dam safety program. We do not know precisely how many dams we actually have, much less their......

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Link to Post:">Obama FY14 Budget Proposal Focuses on Infrastructure

Obama FY14 Budget Proposal Focuses on Infrastructure

President Obama released a federal budget plan for Fiscal Year 2014 this week that calls for spending of $3.77 trillion.  The budget plan would reduce the federal deficit by $1.8 trillion over 10 years, the White House said. The FY 2014 budget proposal includes $50 billion for infrastructure investments, including $40 billion to cover what......

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Link to Post:">The Panama Canal Expansion and Commerce

The Panama Canal Expansion and Commerce

The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee held a hearing this afternoon on the expansion of the Panama Canal and the effects that the expansion will have on freight movement in the United States. The issue is one that ASCE has been discussing in depth over the past few months, because the economic impacts could......

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Link to Post:">Obama Expands on Infrastructure Plans

Obama Expands on Infrastructure Plans

President Obama used ASCE’s 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure  several weeks ago at the Port of Miami to make a renewed push for increased infrastructure investment. The President has been pushing for a more complete set of infrastructure proposals for years and even included the message in his State of the Union this past......

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Link to Post:">House and Senate Pass Budget Resolutions for 2014

House and Senate Pass Budget Resolutions for 2014

The Senate passed a budget resolution for the first time in four years on March 23 that calls for reducing the federal deficit by $1.85 trillion over 10 years.  The Senate also approved provisions in the resolution for Fiscal year 2014 that would restore the $85 billion cut from the Fiscal Year 2013 budget under......

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Link to Post:">Sections and Branches Lead the Way on the 2013 Report Card

Sections and Branches Lead the Way on the 2013 Report Card

This March, ASCE released the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure in a brand new format as a tablet and smart phone app during the annual Congressional Fly-In. ASCE members from all 50 states participated in taking the infrastructure message to Capitol Hill and shared the Report Card with their Members of Congress. Members have......

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Link to Post:">ASCE State Sections Continue Legislative Efforts

ASCE State Sections Continue Legislative Efforts

We are highlighting two states that have made a legislative push in the last week:  New York and Maryland. ASCE issued a Key Alert this week to members in New York asking them to contact legislators in support of SB 3942 which would protect engineers from legal liability when they are performing pro bono services......

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Link to Post:">DeFazio Tackles the Eternal Question…How to Fund the Highway Trust Fund?

DeFazio Tackles the Eternal Question…How to Fund the Highway Trust Fund?

With each passing day we are getting closer to September 30, 2014, the day when MAP-21, the legislation funding surface transportation programs, will expire. Therefore, even though Congress just passed a surface transportation bill last summer, work already must be underway on the next bill. However, before Congress can pass another surface transportation reauthorization, a......

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Link to Post:">The Grades Are Out!

The Grades Are Out!

The new ASCE 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure is now available at and as a tablet and phone app on the iTunes and Google Play stores. Every four years, ASCE issues the Report Card which evaluates conditions and investment needs for major sectors of infrastructure — including roads, bridges, drinking water systems, ports,......

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Link to Post:">Vermont Section Supporting Transportation Funding Plan

Vermont Section Supporting Transportation Funding Plan

ASCE’s Vermont Section has been active over the last week in support of a proposed transportation funding plan that includes an increase in the state’s gas tax.  The Section sent a letter last week to the Governor, legislative leaders and members of the House and Senate Transportation Committees in support.  Additionally, ASCE has issued a......

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