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Link to Post:">The Highway Trust Fund Needs Fixing – New Report Looks at a VMT Tax

The Highway Trust Fund Needs Fixing – New Report Looks at a VMT Tax

By 2022, the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), the main funding source for the federal government’s investments in highway and transit infrastructure and primarily funded by the federal motor fuels tax, is set to dry up. In anticipation of this, Congress is looking at long-term solutions to fund our surface transportation systems. One of those proposed......

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Link to Post:">Take Some Time Today to Imagine a Day Without Water

Take Some Time Today to Imagine a Day Without Water

Most of you have probably already had a cup or two of coffee today or started the laundry. Now imagine starting your day without that morning brew, brushing your teeth, or washing your toddler’s hands before breakfast. Imagine what it’s like to not have water, even for one day, and you can see life grinds......

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Link to Post:">Future World Vision Unveiled 2019 ASCE Convention With Extra Push for Infrastructure Advocacy

Future World Vision Unveiled 2019 ASCE Convention With Extra Push for Infrastructure Advocacy

ASCE’s 2019 Convention looked a little different this year. Attendees are able to step inside a Floating City – the first installment in ASCE’s Future World Vision, which was officially unveiled at this year’s Convention. Outgoing ASCE President Robin A. Kemper opened the morning energizing the audience by sounding the alarm on infrastructure. In her......

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Link to Post:">It’s Fiscal Year 2020. Where do the FY2020 Appropriations Bills Stand?

It’s Fiscal Year 2020. Where do the FY2020 Appropriations Bills Stand?

To close out the fiscal year last month, House passed a stopgap spending measure, or continuing resolution (CR), to fund the government through November 21, 2019. The current fiscal year expired on September 30, and without a second stopgap measure or the approval of Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, we will expect a government shutdown. The......

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Link to Post:">Freight Movement Is On the Rise, So America’s Infrastructure Must Hold Its Weight

Freight Movement Is On the Rise, So America’s Infrastructure Must Hold Its Weight

The national transportation and research group TRIP released a new report on October 3, 2019 detailing an expected 104% rise in annual freight transportation across the U.S. from 2016 to 2045. This increase in freight movement breeds challenges to the nation’s already aging infrastructure. The report, “America’s Rolling Warehouses: Opportunities And Challenges With The Nation’s......

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Link to Post:">103-Year-Old FHWA Rule that Prohibits Innovation Repealed

103-Year-Old FHWA Rule that Prohibits Innovation Repealed

For the past century, states were not allowed to use “proprietary” products on their federally funded projects. In other words, states could not use federal aid to use or buy patented or propriety products  and also limited specifications or processes for bridge and highway projects eligible for funds under the federal-aid highway programs –even if......

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Link to Post:">Senate FY20 Appropriations Updates

Senate FY20 Appropriations Updates

Thanks to advocacy by ASCE’s Key Contacts and the U.S. Levee Safety Coalition – of which ASCE is a member – the Senate Appropriations Committee matched the House’s $15 million proposed funding level for the National Levee Safety Program’s levee inventory in its FY20 Energy & Water Development appropriations bill, which passed out of the......

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Link to Post:">ASCE Testifies on Country’s Pressing Infrastructure Needs Before House Budget Committee

ASCE Testifies on Country’s Pressing Infrastructure Needs Before House Budget Committee

On September 25, the House Committee on the Budget, whose chief responsibility is to draft an annual concurrent resolution on the budget that provides a Congressional framework for spending and revenue levels, held is first hearing focusing on the nation’s infrastructure in recent memory. ASCE Board member and Director of Houston Public Works Carol Haddock......

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Link to Post:">Congressional Briefing on Resilience in Puerto Rico Highlights ASCE 7

Congressional Briefing on Resilience in Puerto Rico Highlights ASCE 7

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) held a Capitol Hill briefing on Tuesday to examine resiliency in Puerto Rico two years after Hurricane Maria. In his opening remarks, ASCE’s Executive Director Tom Smith, ENV.SP., CAE, F.ASCE stressed that building resilient infrastructure was in the best interest of the American taxpayer, as every dollar spent......

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Link to Post:">Update on the Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations Process

Update on the Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations Process

This week, the House passed a stopgap spending measure, or continuing resolution (CR), to fund the government through November 21, 2019. The current fiscal year expires on September 30, and without a stopgap measure, a government shutdown will occur. While the House passed 10 of its 12 Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 appropriations bills before the......

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