New York earns C on its 2022 Infrastructure Report Card; solid waste strong, roads and transit most in need


On Tuesday, July 19, the New York section of ASCE unveiled its 2022 Report Card for New York’s Infrastructure. The report assigned a cumulative grade of ‘C’ from separate chapters addressing 11 categories, meaning New York’s infrastructure is in mediocre condition. Civil engineers graded aviation (C+), bridges (C-), dams (C), drinking water (C-), ports (C+), public parks (B-), rail (C), roads (D+), solid waste (B-), transit (D+) and wastewater (D+). Those experts volunteered over 18 months to produce this report with a public service goal: highlight for the public and decision-makers the many improvements to infrastructure in recent years and lay out necessary improvements impossible without firm funding commitments.

ASCE members presented New York’s Infrastructure Report Card beneath the “Million Dollar Staircase” at the State Capitol. Joining them were Assemblymembers Angelo Santabarbara and John McDonald III, plus ACEC New York President John Evers. (Courtesy ACEC New York)

ASCE members hosted release events in Albany, Buffalo, New York City, and Syracuse with report authors explaining those findings to colleagues, the media, and elected officials. At the State Capitol in Albany, ASCE members shared the report findings with print and broadcast media alongside Assemblymember Angelo Santabarbara – a civil engineer – and Assemblymember John McDonald III. At Syracuse’s Water Department, ASCE New York members presented to media and colleagues – joined by Assemblymember Bill Magnarelli, Syracuse Chief Operating Officer Corey Durham, and Syracuse Water Chief Joe Awald. At Buffalo’s River Fest Park, ASCE President-Elect Maria Lehman joined a large group of Buffalo-area members to share the new report card with local media.

In Brooklyn, New York City, ASCE members discussed the new report Under the K Bridge Park. The public space is creative re-use of recently rebuilt infrastructure: a linear park several blocks long beside the approach and under the deck of the Kosciuszko Bridge in Greenpoint. The new bridge replaced a 1.1-mile section of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, adding a bike/walk side path and safer bridge structure. Beside Newtown Creek under the bridge, within earshot of active import/export businesses utilizing the channel, ASCE members explained how New York’s ports were expanding capacity and improving conditions in an era of online shopping and fresh food of international origin on the menu of small-town restaurants.

The next step for New York’s civil engineers is public education and advocacy. These fresh findings inform New Yorkers on their infrastructure. Equipped with that knowledge, they can advocate for better project designs and greater investment from local, state, and federal governments. ASCE members are active in that organizing, as well as ACEC, the American Council of Engineering Companies. ACEC’s local leaders joined several report card release events.

Find more information and the full report at

Feniosky Peña-Mora, P.E., PhD, shares his immigrant background while announcing New York’s 2022 Report Card on Infrastructure. (Photo by Gordon Chaffin)
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