Last week, the Mississippi Section Report Card for the state’s infrastructure was featured in a front-page article in the Jackson Courier-Journal and Acey Roberts, P.E., M.ASCE, chair of the Report Card Committee, was interviewed on the Marshall Ramsey show, heard in Jackson on WFMN-FM. Roberts talked about Report Card which gave grades of D for Dams, D, C- for Drinking Water, C for Roads and Bridges, and C for Wastewater, C. Although the grades for Mississippi are either equal to or slightly higher than the nation’s grades, he said current issues must be addressed.
“The current path regarding maintenance and funding for our transportation and water systems in Mississippi must be reversed, said Roberts. “We hope that this report will be the first step toward understanding the issues and finding real solutions to bridge the funding gap.
Industry experts from public agencies, private firms and non-profit groups led this Report Card effort. To arrive at grades for each area of infrastructure, civil engineering expert volunteers examined the physical condition, capacity and future need, and studied funding sources and trends that impact maintenance and upgrades. The first report of its kind in Mississippi, ASCE’s Mississippi Section released the Report Card at the Mississippi State Capitol Building.
To view the 2012 Mississippi Infrastructure Report Card, visit the ASCE Mississippi Section website.
View Clarion-Ledger story.
Listen to an archive of the Marshall Ramsey radio show from July 26.