On September 21, the New Mexico Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released the 2012 Report Card for New Mexico’s Infrastructure(Report Card). In its newest report, the New Mexico Section graded the state’s infrastructure a C overall, with aviation, rail, road, and solid waste infrastructure
worsening since the last report in 2005. The Report Card urges public officials to increase infrastructure investment and keep pace with New Mexico’s rapid growth.
“How we get to work, how we raise our families, and how we can build a more sustainable future all depend on infrastructure,” said ASCE President Andrew W. Herrmann, P.E., SECB. “Given that only one of the 10 areas grades above a ‘C,’ we hope this Report Card will serve as a wakeup call that we must do more. Maintaining and modernizing our infrastructure – our roads, bridges, and water systems –should be a top priority to meet the needs of New Mexican families now and in the future.”
The Report Card was picked up by numerous media outlets, including the Santa Fe New Mexican, the Farmington Daily Times, the New Mexico Business Journal, and KOB Eyewitness 4 News. To view the media coverage, please click on the respective link and feel free to share the stories with anyone you know. Only through working together can we hope to improve New Mexico’s infrastructure.