Question 6 is a statewide ballot measure that asks voters to consider whether the state may issue $100 million in bonds for transportation and other infrastructure projects.
This is the third time in recent years that Maine voters will be asked to make a significant investment in the state. Each of the previous measures passed with an overwhelming approval by the voters and according to early poll data, passage of this bond measure seems highly likely.
This year’s bond measure will ask voters to approve issuing $100 million in bonds for infrastructure. Approximately, 80% will be dedicated to highway and bridge construction and maintenance. The remaining 20% will be allocated to ports, harbors, marine transportation, aviation, rail, and trails. It will also ensure the state qualifies for federal matching funds for transportation projects.
ASCE supports financially responsible actions by federal, state and local governments to meet America’s infrastructure needs. These actions should support established project and program management principles, including new service and delivery models, innovative financing, appropriate research and technology transfer, and should conform to the principles of sustainability.
When you head to the polls on November 8, help Maine fulfill its three year work plan by casting a “yes” vote on Question 6.