With Infrastructure Week raising awareness of the important role our roads, bridges, transit and water infrastructure play, this week’s news headlines have been powerful reminders of our need for further action.
ASCE’s Failure to Act economic report continues to garner news headlines, emphasizing our infrastructure investment needs. CNBC, and C-SPAN covered the economic impact of failing to invest in infrastructure in our country, and the importance of all levels of government being involved in restoring it.
Investment needs are seen in action every day when infrastructure breaks. Transit needs across the country are manifesting themselves through subway dysfunctions and disruptions. This week there was a large fire in the NYC subway that impacted thousands of train passengers’ morning commutes. The DC Metro released its SafeTrack Plan to address safety recommendations and repair the Metrorail system in an expedited timeframe.
It is also no secret that deteriorating roads have a very real impact on our daily commutes. In an editorial this week, a Syracuse writer noted that it cost her nearly $200 to replace the right front tire on her car that blew out when she hit a pothole on her way to work. And AAA reported that 70 percent of motorists who plan on traveling this summer are concerned about poor roadway conditions or being stuck in traffic. As if that weren’t enough, a bridge collapsed in Oklahoma City because a truck driver did not realize he did not have sufficient clearance, causing road shutdowns and costing an estimated $50,000 in debris removal alone.
Improving our nation’s infrastructure only comes when it is prioritized and properly funded. Even though Infrastructure Week, is coming to a close you can still share that #InfrastructureMatters by sending a letter to your elected officials.