Browse Gamechangers:Clear

Resilient Energy

In the aftermath of 2012’s Superstorm Sandy, New York State set out to revisit its approach to energy infrastructure to be more resilient and sustainable. Through the state’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) strategy, a multitude of state agencies are coordinating as never before to promote innovation and secure new investments that will make cleaner, more affordable, and more resilient energy systems an actuality.

REV begins with a state energy plan that will result in the modernization and increased resilience of its energy infrastructure, including statewide goals for 2030, such as: a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels; 50% of New York’s electricity to be generated from renewable sources; and a 23% reduction in energy consumption of buildings from 2012 levels.

Launched in 2014, REV was met with skepticism. Now it is widely seen as a model for a more market-based decentralized approach with ambitious goals.

Learn more here and here.


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