Browse Gamechangers:Clear

More than One Preventative Solution

There are many streams running through the Bayou Meto basin in eastern Arkansas, and the low-lying surrounding areas are prone to flooding. The basin is also home to abundant wildlife and a key agricultural area in the region. Groundwater depletion is nearing crisis level as well – the alluvial aquifier, which provides essentially all the water used for agricultural irrigation and fish farming, will be completely depleted soon if measures to protect and conserve this resource are not taken, resulting in disastrous economic losses for the region.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the state of Arkansas are working to strike the right balance between flood protection, groundwater replenishment, and the environment. A pumping station, channel improvements, and other features will reduce flooding and improve drainage. To supplement groundwater supply and help stabilize the aquifier, on-farm water storage will help collect surface runoff. Environmental restoration features will create over 200 acres of habitat for wildlife and restore 10,000 acres of wetland buffers. Construction is underway and expected to take six years.

Courtesy Flirck User Linda Tanner

Courtesy Flirck User Linda Tanner

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