Browse Gamechangers:Clear

More Cooperation, Less Runoff

In an effort to clean up U.S. water sources, federal standards mandate upgrades to stormwater infrastructure that prevents runoff pollution. To meet compliance standards, the highly-developed Washington, D.C. suburb of Prince George’s County, Maryland county must convert close to 5 percent of the county’s total area, or 15,000 acres in total, of watertight surfaces into surfaces that reduce polluted runoff and absorbs storm water.

In search of a cost-effective solution, Prince George’s County launched a revolutionary private-public partnership to retrofit the impermeable land using “green infrastructure” that allows for the treatment or absorption of rainwater.  The Clean Water Partnership is the first ever private-public collaboration to focus on stormwater management, as it grants a singular private entity the responsibility to design, build, co-finance and maintain all infrastructure developed for the project. This model will translate into 40% savings in total costs, a faster project timeline, and a more efficient development process.

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