Browse Gamechangers:Clear

Build a Customer Base for Recycled Water

Los Angeles is no stranger to water shortages and has been using recycled water since the 1960s for irrigation, industrial processes, cooling, and habitat restoration. However, it was only recently that L.A. and surrounding municipalities have banded together with a “one water” policy to become a coordinated, water-wise region. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) along with the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation (LASAN) have developed plans to more than double the use of recycled water to 59,000 acre-feet. Now the program provides 19,350 acre-feet of recycled water per year to irrigate public lands and serve private customers at a cheaper rate, but expansion at the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant will allow the city to connect directly to a customers who purchase a certain amount of recycled water annually. Once connections to these anchor customers are established, recycled water access will also be offered to nearby neighbors at smaller quantities for toilet flushing, car washing commercial cleaning, dust control during construction, and use in cooling towers.

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