With warmer weather approaching and spring around the bend, the dismal state of our nation’s infrastructure funding is being reflected as several states figure out how to deal with their beleaguered infrastructure in light of dwindling funds.
Infrastructure has also been a topic of discussion to pay attention to in the presidential debates. An article in Bustle breaks down each presidential candidate’s mentions about infrastructure thus far in their debates. While each candidate may not have a robust plan of action, the state of our nation’s infrastructure is an issue worthy of discussion at the presidential debate level.
States like Wisconsin, are recognizing the dramatic level to which their infrastructure needs attention, as a study ranks their state’s roads as fourth worst in the nation. New Jersey faces a similar dilemma, as the Federal Highway Administration ranks NJ’s bridges within the top 10 worst in the nation for percentage of deficient bridges, with a third of them in need of attention.
Alabama businesses have also been vocal about their need for infrastructure repairs, with the Alliance for Alabama’s Infrastructure (AAI) heralding the cry to prioritize funding infrastructure. And in California, about 225 transportation projects are threatened by the state’s latest decision to reduce the State Transportation Improvement Plan by $754 million this year. In the Bay Area alone, seven transportation projects are likely to lose funding and be delayed for years.
In light of this, states have been continuing to take funding action, as shown in a list from Equipment World Magazine listing the states that have increased their gas taxes in the past year to fund their transportation improvements.
In order to ensure the maximum funding possible for our much-needed infrastructure investment nationwide, it is important to find a long-term, sustainable funding source for surface transportation before the FAST Act expires.