

New Jersey Legislators Introduce Bills to Fix the Transportation Trust Fund

Only a few days after the release of the 2016 Report Card for New Jersey’s Infrastructure, the political debate over saving the State’s soon to be insolvent Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) looms over both the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly.  Yesterday, legislators in both chambers introduced identical bills to replenish the Fund, from which......

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rosati kain high school building

Infrastructure in the News: Embracing Challenges and Moving Forward

With the release of New Jersey’s state infrastructure report card, we are reminded how our nation’s overall infrastructure needs impact the everyday lives of citizens and state-specific needs. The state’s Transportation Trust Fund is heading toward bankruptcy by July 1 unless state legislators act. New Jersey residents can write their elected officials here and ask......

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New Jersey Infrastructure Receives D+ Report Card

Today, the 2016 Report Card for New Jersey’s Infrastructure gave an overall D+ grade for the State’s infrastructure. The report evaluated 13 separate components of New Jersey’s infrastructure, all of which were given a grade based on the components’ condition, capacity, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience, and innovation.  The transit and......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

New Jersey Report Card Coming Next Week

With only a few weeks left before New Jersey’s Transportation Trust Fund goes insolvent, the Report Card for New Jersey’s Infrastructure will be released on Thursday, June 16 to underscore the importance to #FixNJTrustFund with a sustainable, long-term funding solution. The report will grade surface transportation categories of bridges, rail, roads, and transit, along with dams, drinking water,......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Looking Into Humboldt County’s Water Infrastructure

Today the North Coast Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers released a new 2016 Report Card for Humboldt County’s Water Infrastructure to show the state of the water infrastructure across 19 water systems within Humboldt County, California. The report found that today’s water infrastructure earned a good B grade overall, but to keep a good......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

D.C. Infrastructure Report Card Gives C- Overall, Lowest Grade to Levees

The 2016 Report Card for D.C.’s Infrastructure is an independent review of the current state of infrastructure needs, capability and funding in D.C. by the National Capital Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Report Card was written over the past year by ASCE members from the D.C. region who assigned the grades......

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2015 Infrastructure Year in Review

App Makes Contacting Legislators a Breeze The Save America’s Infrastructure phone app launched in May and has been downloaded by more than 1,800+ infrastructure advocates. Providing grades and facts about 16 categories of America’s Infrastructure as well as the 50 states, the app allows users to easily contact their elected officials directly through the app.......

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report card for alabama's infrastructure 2015

Alabama’s Infrastructure Grades Are In

The inaugural Report Card for Alabama’s Infrastructure, released today, reveals that Alabama’s aging infrastructure needs attention, especially its dams. As the only state without a dam safety program, Alabama does not have a complete inventory of all the dams in the state. Without this, Alabama is unaware of its dam safety risk. At the last......

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New York Infrastructure Report Card

In the inaugural 2015 Report Card for New York’s Infrastructure released today, the state received an overall grade of “C-” from the New York Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Assessing nine categories, the report finds that the state’s roads and bridges are among the categories most in need of repair, receiving grades......

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