
ASCE Gives Thanks for Infrastructure Successes

It’s that time of the year again – turkey, time off work to be with family and friends, and traveling headaches due to crowded airports and traffic on the highways. This week, millions of people around the country are traveling by way of plane, car, train, or bus to visit their loved ones near and......

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Congress Returns: ASCE’s Lame-Duck To-Do List

When Congress returns on Tuesday, November 21, they face a post-election “lame-duck” session, facing a funding deadline to prevent a partial government shutdown and other lingering issues. Additionally, both parties are conducting leadership elections this week, parts of which will linger into weeks ahead. Party leadership, new Committee Chairs, and Ranking Members will all need......

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Infrastructure Proves to be Priority on Election Night

Infrastructure investment was again a prevailing theme on ballots in many states this past election season. The midterm election poised an opportunity for states to create new revenue streams as well as secure existing ones. Let’s recap what happened with infrastructure initiatives on state ballots: California rejected a repeal of the 10-cent gas tax increase......

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Vote for Infrastructure on November 6th!

Vote on November 6th It’s officially November, meaning election day is just around the corner. With November 6th days away, take the weekend to map out your voting plan of action. First, find out if you’re already registered to vote then identify your polling precinct and determine how and when you’ll vote. If you aren’t......

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Minnesota Earns a “C” in First Infrastructure Report Card

  On Tuesday, October 9, civil engineers gathered at the Minnesota State Capitol for the release of the first-ever Report Card for Minnesota’s Infrastructure. The Report Card gave the state’s infrastructure an overall GPA of “C” and evaluated and graded nine individual infrastructure categories: aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, energy, ports, roads, transit, and wastewater.......

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WRDA Passes in the House

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2018, S. 3021. The passage of this bill authorizes key programs and projects that are critical to improving our nation’s water-related infrastructure categories. The 2017 Infrastructure Report Card graded each of these categories; ports received a grade of “C+,” while dams, levees,......

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States Wrap Up Legislative Sessions For 2018

As state legislatures across the country are wrapping up their sessions for 2018, lawmakers in several states acted this year to make investments to address their states’ infrastructure needs. In Colorado, Governor John Hickenlooper (D) signed a major bill to fund transportation infrastructure projects. The legislation calls for periodic transfers from the state’s general fund......

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Congress Prepares for WRDA Floor Debate

The Senate is expected to vote on S.2800, America’s Water Infrastructure Act, or the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), in the coming weeks after about six months of Committee work, drafting, and negotiation. WRDA proposes continued American investment into infrastructure like dams, levees, and ports. If approved, WRDA will authorize water programs vital to American......

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ASCE President, Kristina Swallow, Testifies Before Senate EPW Committee

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) held a hearing entitled, “Legislative Hearing on America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018” about the importance of long-term, strategic investment in America’s water resources systems. Kristina Swallow, President of ASCE, testified  before the Committee along with four other champions of water infrastructure: Pat......

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President’s State of Union Lays Out Infrastructure Vision

President Trump unveiled his much-anticipated infrastructure plan for the nation in his first State of the Union address last night, asking Congress to produce a bipartisan package that generates at least $1.5 trillion in investment. He put an emphasis on need for federal dollars to be leveraged by state and local government funding, as well......

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