Have you gone above and beyond to represent the civil engineering profession before your elected officials? You could be our next Outstanding Civil Engineer Advocate of the Year! If you are one of the many ASCE Key Contacts actively building relationships with and educating your elected leaders on issues important to the civil engineering profession, we would like to recognize your efforts.
- Nominate an individual (including yourself!)
- Nominate a group (such as a Section, Branch, or Younger Member Group)
Details and nomination forms are available from the ASCE website.
Nomination submission deadline is October 17, 2014.
This will be the first time we have honored an outstanding advocate within the ASCE membership. So why now? The civil engineering profession is profoundly affected by decisions made by Congress and by state legislatures. If individual civil engineers don’t work to inform their elected officials about issues so they can make informed decisions, then our world suffers: bureaucracy becomes more complicated, bad programs are continued, good programs go under-funded.
Many ASCE members are already out there talking to legislators and advocating for issues such as investing in infrastructure, building sustainably, and raising the bar for the profession. If this describes you, someone you know, or even your Section, Branch or other ASCE group, submit a nomination–submissions accepted through October 17, 2014. Winners will receive recognition at the annual ASCE Legislative Fly-In, March 24-26, 2015 in Washington, DC.
Questions? Contact ASCE Government Relations via email or call 202-789-7850.