The ASCE Foundation is committed to supporting civil engineering programs that strengthen the profession and further civil engineers’ charge to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

Today, we face global infrastructure challenges, the likes of which have never been seen before. If not addressed, the quality of life for generations will be affected. The ASCE Foundation supports the 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, along with other ASCE programs that help bring visibility to the nation’s infrastructure crisis. ASCE programs, including state Report Cards, are placing civil engineers at the forefront of the conversation to address these infrastructure challenges.

You can have an active role by inspiring future generations of civil engineers to tackle challenges head-on through your support of the ASCE Foundation. Gifts to the Foundation’s Report Card for America’s Infrastructure Fund will help support a wide variety of activities to address the infrastructure challenges identified in the 2021 Report Card. To make a donation to the Report Card Fund click here. Learn more and donate at