The ASCE Committee on America’s Infrastructure, made up of 52 civil engineers and infrastructure professionals from across the country with decades of expertise in all categories, volunteers their time to work with ASCE Infrastructure Initiatives staff to prepare the Report Card. The Committee assesses all relevant data and reports, consults with technical and industry experts, and assigns grades.

Adam Matteo, P.E.

As Assistant State Structure and Bridge Engineer for Bridge Maintenance Adam is responsible for establishing policy for the maintenance of over 19,000 of Virginia’s highway bridges and large culverts. He has 40 years of engineering experience in structural design, bridge maintenance and construction management.

Before joining VDOT he worked as an engineering consultant, where he was responsible for the management of an office that performed bridge design, bridge inspection and bridge maintenance services in the mid-Atlantic region.

Ana Tijerina Esquino, EIT, A.M.ASCE

Ana works at Mott MacDonald, has a combined 10 years of experience in project financing and engineering, working on multi-million-dollar ports and transit projects in the PNW. She is also the Early Career Professional lead for Social Outcomes for the North and South America region. Ana holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Portland State University and is pursuing a master’s degree focused on engineering and preservation of existing infrastructure.

An ASCE member since 2017, Ana is active in the Committee for Younger Members and the Committee for America’s Infrastructure, and served as President of the Portland Younger Member Forum from 2021 to 2022. As Chair of the 2024 Oregon Infrastructure Report Card, she led a 30-person statewide effort to assess infrastructure. Ana was named the 2024 Outstanding Civil Engineer Advocate of the Year by ASCE for her advocacy at local, regional, and national levels.

Andrew Herrmann, P.E., F.SEI, Pres.12 ASCE

Andrew is a Partner Emeritus, Hadesty & Hanover, with a 40 plus year career. Andrew has worked on bridge studies, major bridge rehabilitations, emergency services, biennial, and in-depth bridge inspections, preliminary to final design on new fixed and movable bridges, construction inspection, and now Consulting Services.

Bill Hanson, BC.NE(Dist.), A.M.ASCE

Bill is the Senior Vice President – Market Development for Great Lakes Dredge and Dock. He is a 44 year veteran of the dredging and maritime construction industry, Bill has been with GLDD for 34 years and a Vice President since 2004. In 2013, he opened GLDD’s first office in Washington DC. Bill began his career with the US Army Corps of Engineers in Galveston and Los Angeles, and then worked for Connolly Pacific of Long Beach, California before joining GLDD in 1988. At GLDD, he served in management roles in the North Atlantic and Southern Divisions as well as managing Latin America for 12 years.

Bill serves on several Federal Advisory committees as well as on boards of groups with national and regional interest to GLDD, and several academic advisory boards related to ocean and coastal engineering. He is a 1979 Ocean Engineering graduate of Texas A&M, where he was named a distinguished alumni in 2013.

Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., F.ASCE

Carol recently retired as the Director of Houston Public Works, the first woman to oversee the largest American Public Works Association accredited agency in the United States. During her 19-year tenure, she held various roles culminating with seven years leading a team of over 4,000 employees responsible for vital services such as water, wastewater, streets, stormwater and permitting in Houston. Carol also played a key role in long-term planning and managing capital projects during her time serving Houstonians.

A staunch advocate of employee and infrastructure development, Carol has been a champion for employee equity and infrastructure enhancements at the local, state and national levels. She holds a Civil Engineering Bachelor’s degree from Rice University and has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Houston.

Celine Hyer, P.E., M.ASCE

Celine is currently the US water conveyance planning practice leader for Arcadis. She has over 35 years of experience in water and wastewater engineering as both a municipal utility manager and a consultant. She specializes in applying asset management principles to determine the optimal capital and operations and maintenance programs necessary to meet acceptable service levels and has evaluated over 1.5 million pipeline and facility assets and has supported approval for over $7 billion dollars of capital projects for large utilities across the US.

Celine serves as the Chair for the ASCE UESI Asset Management Division as well as supporting other leading technical committees where she serves as the Chair for the American Water Works Association Asset Management Committee and as the Industry Advisory Chairwoman for the Virginia Tech Sustainable Infrastructure Management Center. She is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Florida.

Christy VanBuskirk, P.E., M.ASCE

Christy has worked with Iowa DOT since 2011 and currently is responsible for overseeing contract and construction administration for primary road construction in the eastern half of District 5 (9 counties). She is responsible for the supervision of 15 full-time and 5 part-time employees. Christy works with internal and external stakeholders in project development, construction activities and citizen requests. Before joining Iowa DOT, Christy worked as a county engineer. She oversaw and managed all aspects of construction and maintenance of the Keokuk County secondary road system. Responsible for the administration of a $3.7 million operational budget and supervision of 24 full-time and 3 part-time employees.

Christy received a B.S in civil engineering from Purdue University. She has been heavily involved with the Iowa chapter of ASCE and has chaired the 2019 and 2023 Iowa State Report Card Committees. She also currently serves as the chair of ASCE’s Public Policy and Practice Committee.

Chuck Hookham, P.E.

Chuck has over 43 years of electric power, industrial/energy, and commercial building experience, involved with development, regulatory issues, strategic planning, engineering, codes, and EPC delivery of domestic and international projects for utilities, public power agencies, independent power producers, and developers. His recent focus has been on energy storage, integrated resource plans, risk analysis, siting studies, grid analysis, electric vehicle and distributed energy systems, and renewables project management.

Prior to leaving CMS Energy in mid-2024, he led development and construction of large single axis-tracked and fixed tilt solar PV and wind generation projects in Michigan, Ohio and Texas, multiple battery storage, microgrid, and hybrid smart city installations, and recently directed the battery/solar hybrid expansion of an existing wind farm in PJM territory. His current focus is enabling renewable energy/decarbonization projects in the midwest.

He is an engineering graduate of the University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign, received an MBA in international finance from Eastern Michigan University, is a registered professional engineer in multiple states and countries, and formerly served Black & Veatch, HDR, and CMS Energy in leadership (vice president and director) roles.

Daniel Cronquist, P.E., P.L.S., F.ASCE

Daniel is the Central California Department Manager for AECOM’s Water Business Line. He and his team provide engineering design and construction administration for water and wastewater infrastructure. He has 20 years of professional experience and is a self-professed generalist with expertise in a wide range of projects including schools, parks, roads, water, wastewater, and stormwater.

Daniel has been active in ASCE since college and has served in multiple areas of leadership, including as President of the Los Angeles Section, Present of the Southern San Joaquin Branch, and as a member of several state and local report card committees.

He is a graduate of the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, a licensed civil engineer in several states and territories, and a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in California. He also serves as an adjunct faculty at Bakersfield College, a community college, teaching engineering courses.

Darren Olson, P.E., BC.WRE, M.ASCE

Darren has over 25 years of experience in water resources engineering that started with the U.S. Geological Survey in Urbana, IL. He is currently Vice President and Water Resources Department Head at Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) in Rosemont, IL. In this role he oversees hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, design, funding and permitting of complex water resources projects to solve urban flooding problems throughout the Chicagoland area.

He was the recipient of the 2005 Young Civil Engineer of the Year from the ASCE Illinois Section, 2014 Stormwater Management Award from the Illinois Association of State and Floodplain Managers (IAFSM) and 2024 Civil Engineer of the Year from the ASCE Illinois Section. He was president of the Illinois Section of ASCE in 2010 and was Chair of the Illinois Infrastructure Report Card in 2014 and 2018. He also served on the Illinois Lieutenant Governor’s Science Advisory Committee from 2011-2015. He has Bachelor’s of Science and Master’s of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois and a Master’s in Business Administration from Northwestern University.

David Perrings, P.E., MASCE

David is a civil engineer with 40 years of experience. He is a graduate of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a Licensed Civil Engineer in the State of California. He has been involved in the preparation of the 2017, 2021 and the current National Infrastructure Report Card effort. He has also been involved with the preparation of the 2019 and current California Infrastructure Report Card. His area of expertise is Stormwater.

David lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and is a Senior Civil Engineer with JMA Civil, Oakland California. He is currently involved with the drainage and quality control aspects of Rail Projects in California.

David Sonne, P.E.

Dave is a Senior Project Manager at Tetra Tech in Madison, WI with 20 plus years of experience in both civil and environmental engineering consulting. He is responsible for technical direction and management of solid waste facility design, compliance, permitting, and stormwater management projects. He is a registered Professional Engineer in several Midwest states.

David Sklar, Aff.M.ASCE

David is a Senior Vice President with WSP and serves as the national asset management strategy, planning, and transformation leader responsible for directing cross-sector projects across the U.S. He is a recognized industry leader with over 25 years of diverse experience across aviation, transportation, ports, energy, water, and public works infrastructure sectors. David’s key areas of expertise include asset management, environmental sustainability, infrastructure resiliency, capital planning, operations and maintenance strategy, and performance management.

David has worked with some of the largest infrastructure organizations in the U.S. to develop and implement comprehensive and impactful asset management programs and plans. He holds a BA in Economics from Boston University and an MBA in Sustainability from the University of Colorado at Denver.

David Swallow, P.E., F.ASCE

David serves as Deputy Chief Executive Officer for the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada. In his role, he oversees the agency’s transportation planning, engineering, and roadway funding programs, design and construction of public transit systems and facilities, operation of the public bike share system, and traffic management for the region’s arterial and freeway systems.

David has been a long-standing member and Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, serving on the Committee for America’s Infrastructure and Nevada Infrastructure Report Card. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Nevada and earned both Bachelors and Masters of Science degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Del Shannon, P.E., M.ASCE

Del has more than 30 years of experience and holds degrees in both Journalism and Civil Engineering. He is the Chief Dam Engineer for Kiewit Infrastructure Engineers, a Past President of the US Society on Dams, chair of the USSD Committee on Concrete Dams, President of Hydropower Foundation, and serves in leadership roles for several professional organization.

He is a geotechnical engineer by background and specializes in the design and construction of both earthen and concrete dams and similar hydraulic structures. Throughout his career he has worked on over 100 dam projects throughout the world, and three of his projects have received national awards from the US Society on Dams and Association of State Dam Safety Officials.

Dennis Randolph, P.E., M.ASCE

Dennis, a Life Member of ASCE, is currently celebrating his 50th year as a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan, working full-time as the Public Works Manager for the City of Kalamazoo Michigan.

Over the past half-century Dennis has worked primarily for city and county governments, focusing on traffic and transportation engineering, but building all kinds of public infrastructure. A writer and educator, he has over 110 publications and has over 25-years’ experience as an adjunct engineering instructor at several universities, and is currently with the University of Missouri – Kansas City.

Edward “Ed” Barrett, Aff.M. ASCE

Ed has more than 15 years of telecommunications experience working with carriers and local communities nationwide. He currently serves as the President of HR Green’s Broadband Business Unit. In this role, Ed has worked with clients across the U.S., ranging from the smallest of small towns to million-plus urban regions who are studying and implementing broadband solutions as a way to enhance the lives of their constituents and grow into the Gigabit Economy. This includes engaging with clients throughout the entire project lifecycle from planning and visioning to design, construction, and deployment. Ed is a sought-after subject matter presenter on broadband and fiber topics at national and regional conferences.

Eric Czerniejewski, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE

Eric has 28 years of industry experience in civil, traffic, and transportation engineering, working on the planning, design, and construction of infrastructure projects for public and private clients. Eric is the Director of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and a Principal for The Corradino Group, Inc., with headquarters in Miami, Florida. Eric has recently worked on several key transportation infrastructure projects.

Eric’s leadership roles include serving as President of the Broward Branch, Vice President of the Florida Section, and serving as ASCE Region 5 Governor (Florida). Eric has been involved with ASCE Government Relations for the past 20-plus years, including serving on many Society Committees. His volunteer service included being a member of the ASCE State Government Relations Committee, chair of the Transportation Policy Committee, member of the ASCE Public Policy and Practice Committee and currently serving as a member of the Committee on Americas Infrastructure where he is contributing to the Rail and Transit Categories for the 2025 Infrastructure Report Card Update. Eric was the committee chair for the 2012 ASCE Florida Section Infrastructure Report Card.

Farshid Vahedifard, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE

Farshid is a Professor and Berger Chair in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University. Further, he serves as the Resilient and Equitable Infrastructure Lead at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH). With over 15 years of academic and industry experience, his work primarily encompasses the areas of civil and geotechnical engineering interfacing with grand challenges of Climate Change, Resilient Infrastructure, and Environmental Justice.

He has been studying the resilience and adaptation of critical infrastructure (e.g., levees, dams) to extreme events (e.g., drought, flooding, wildfires, compound, and cascading hazards) in a changing climate, with a particular emphasis directed toward disadvantaged communities. He has led several transdisciplinary research initiatives focused on emerging issues that relate to climate-resilient communities and infrastructure systems, aging infrastructure, extreme events, cascading hazards, inclusive adaptation, and environmental justice and equity.

Gina Beim, P.E., M.ASCE

Gina, a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio, is the founder and president of MCDA Consulting and an adjunct faculty at Case Western Reserve University. She recently retired as a Deputy Director from the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency.

Gina is a past president of the Cleveland Section of ASCE, past chair of the Committee on Leadership and Management of ASCE, past chair of the ASCE Northeast Ohio Infrastructure Report Card, lead of the Parks chapter of the ASCE State of Ohio Infrastructure Report Card, and a member of ASCE’s Committee for America’s Infrastructure.

Greg DiLoreto, P.E., P.LS (ret.)., D. WRE (ret.), Pres. 13 ASCE

Greg is the past Chair of the ASCE’s Committee on America’s Infrastructure responsible for ASCE’s Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, a leading indicator of the health of America’s infrastructure. A past president of ASCE and the former CEO of the Tualatin Valley Water District in metropolitan Portland, Oregon, Greg is frequently called on by the national media, Congress, and international organizations to provide insight into the pressing infrastructure issues facing the country.

An industry veteran and engineering professional for nearly 50 years, Greg holds a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Oregon State University, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Portland State University. Greg also serves on the boards of several infrastructure advisory committees in the Portland area.

Greg Scott, P.E., F.ASCE

Over the past 31 years, Greg has managed the design and construction of civil municipal, water and wastewater projects for communities throughout western Pennsylvania. Employed by CDM Smith, he participates in comprehensive facilities planning; coordinates design of collection, transmission, storage, distribution and treatment systems; implements combined sewer overflow programs including green stormwater infrastructure; and manages all phases of civil municipal, water and wastewater construction for municipal and Federal clients.

A former Chair of the ASCE Pittsburgh Chapter of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute, President of the Pittsburgh Section, Region 2 Governor and Chair of the ASCE Convention Technical Program Subcommittee, Greg is currently serving as Vice Chair of the State Government Relations and Grassroots Committee. A registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania, he earned his Bachelors in Environmental Engineering Technology from Penn State University and his Masters in Civil Environmental Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.

Jake Brunoehler, P.E., M.ASCE

Jake is the Area Manager for Hobas Pipe USA, overseeing projects across the Upper Midwest Region. With over a decade of hands-on experience in water infrastructure, Jake is committed to advancing safe, resilient, and sustainable systems that enhance community quality of life across the United States.

A former branch president and advocacy captain for the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in Wisconsin, Jake has a proven track record in bridging the communication gap between technical experts, elected officials, and the public to promote meaningful investment in critical infrastructure. He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso University and actively serves in leadership roles within ASCE and other professional organizations.

Janey Camp, Ph.D, P.E., GISP, CFM, F. ASCE 

Janey is a Research Professor in the Herff College of Engineering at the University of Memphis. her research utilizes tools and models to address today’s challenging issues related to infrastructure management and community resilience. Janey is a licensed civil engineer, a certified GIS Professional, and certified floodplain manager in the state of Tennessee.

In addition to research and service to ASCE committees, Janey also serves on the Transportation Research Board’s Inland Waterways Transportation Committee, the PIANC US Section Board of Commissioners, and the National Institute for Building Science (NIBS) Lifelines Advisory Panel. She also served as a co-author for the Southeast Chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment. Janey also has a passion for education outreach and stakeholder engagement to increase understanding of key issues and improve risk understanding.

Jennifer Gora, P.E., F. ASCE, ENV SP

Jennifer has over 30 years of experience in the transportation industry where she has focused on aviation design and construction for over 26 years. She joined RS&H in 2023 and is currently a Senior Project Manager, Aviation, located in Minneapolis, MN. She has been involved in various aviation programs from general aviation to large commercial airports within the United States in various roles related to technical design, capital improvement plan development, and team collaboration.

She is a graduate of North Dakota State University (NDSU) with a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering and a Master of Science in environmental engineering. She is a registered Professional Engineer in the states of Minnesota, Indiana and Kentucky.

Jessica Raphael Ross, P.E., M.ASCE

Jess is the Remediation Practice Leader for Jacobs. She is a Senior Technical Consultant with over 27 years of experience focused on remediation projects that include investigation, remedial planning, technology evaluation, remedial design, remedy implementation and site closure. She earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Irvine, and a M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan.

She oversees a team of environmental remediation technology experts and innovators providing a wide range of liability and risk management services to evaluate, design, construct, operate, optimize and monitor remedies to achieve final site closures in a sustainable manner, including returning distressed properties to beneficial re-use.

John Moyle, P.E., M.ASCE

John is currently a Project Manager with GEI Consultants. John is a licensed professional engineer with a BSCE from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Prior to joining GEI, he was with the NJDEP for 40+ years, holding technical and leadership positions. As the Director of the Division of Dam Safety and Flood Engineering, he led New Jerseys dam safety program with the evaluation of the hydrologic and hydraulic, structural, geotechnical investigations for the rehabilitation and construction of dams. He also helped municipalities with their participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as the NFIP coordinator for NJ. He also led NJ’s role as the non-federal sponsor for USACE flood risk reduction projects which included the evaluation of channel modifications, dam modifications and flood proofing. John has served on various national boards and committees including the Board of Directors for the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO), President of ASDSO, Chair of the Legislative Committee of ASDSO, the National Dam Safety Review Board, the Department of Homeland Security Government Coordinating Council.

Katherine Kortum, Ph.D, P.E., M.ASCE

Katherine is a Senior Program Officer at the Transportation Research Board where she leads committees developing research needs and organizing events on data and data science issues in transportation. She also provides recommendations to Congress, the USDOT, and the European Union on transportation policy across a variety of modes. She is on the editorial board of TR News magazine and led a Forum on sustainable mobility and automated vehicles, a self-supporting initiative to provide the research questions needed for better public policy. Katherine has chaired citizens’ advisory groups for both the Washington DC MPO and for the WMATA transit system, along with committees for ASCE, ITE, and WTS. She was a Robert Bosch fellow in Berlin, Germany, studying shared and integrated mobility research projects, and during the pandemic, she worked with the DC Department of Health overseeing logistics and processing for the District’s COVID-19 testing and vaccination response.

She holds an MS and PhD in Transportation Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, and an MBA from the University of Illinois. She is a Professional Engineer in the District of Columbia.

Keith Pugh, P.E., PWLF, M.ASCE

Keith was President of the American Public Works Association (APWA) for 2022-2023. Keith is the Director of Government Affairs for Withers Ravenel, a full-service engineering, land development, funding and asset management firm based in Cary, NC. Prior to joining Withers Ravenel, Keith served as Engineering Services Director for the City of High Point, NC, a position he held for more than 15 years.

Keith retired from the City of High Point and the public sector in July of 2019. Keith also served the City of Greensboro, NC for 16 years in various capacities with Transportation, Engineering, and Facilities. Keith has spent his entire career living out his father’s ideal of “Leaving Things Better Than He Found Them.”

Keith spends significant time advocating locally and in Washington for public works and the nation’s infrastructure. He served on APWA’s Government Affairs Committee from 2011-2016 (including two years as chair). He has also testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources (on two occasions) concerning National Environmental Protection Act reforms. In addition to his life membership with APWA, Keith is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Keith has a BSCE from North Carolina State University and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina.

Kristina Swallow, P.E., F. ASCE, Pres. 18 ASCE

Kristina is an Assistant City Manager for the City of Tucson, where she plays a pivotal role in enhancing urban development and community services. With over three decades of experience in engineering and management, Kristina is committed to creating innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for residents.

In her current position, Kristina oversees a range of departments, focusing on infrastructure, urban planning, and economic development. Her leadership has been instrumental in implementing programs that improve customer service, streamline city processes, and promote sustainable growth.

Kristina holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from University of Arizona and a master’s degree in civil engineering from University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is a member and served as the 2018 President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Lita Laven, P.E., M.ASCE

Lita is a Project Manager III for the Engineering and Construction Department at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District in Cleveland, Ohio. She received her B.S. in Civil Engineering from The George Washington University and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio. She has been active in ASCE for over twenty years, including Cleveland Section Past President, Wastewater Chapter Chair for the Ohio Report Card, Fly-In participant, and a member of the Energy, Environment, and Water Policy Committee.

Luca Magenes, P.E., P.Eng, M.ASCE

Luca is a Product Line Manager at Powell Industries. He specializes in engineering and product development for the energy and electrical power industries. He has led the design and execution of projects supporting the Energy Infrastructure throughout his 15-year career.

Luca holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from the University of Pavia. He is an active member of the IEEE, AISC, NFPA, and ASCE. As an ASCE member, he has co-authored several publications, technical reports, and an ASCE standard. He is a licensed professional engineer in several US states, Canada (ON), and Italy.

Maria Lehman, P.E, NAC, F.ASCE, ENV SP, Pres. 23 ASCE

Maria is GHD’s Infrastructure Market Leader for the United States, as well as a Principal and shareholder and serves on the company’s U.S. Board of Directors. She was the former COO and Acting Executive Director of the New York State Thruway Authority and Commissioner of Public Works for Erie County, NY, as well as many private sector roles. She has over 40 years of diverse, increasingly responsible, multi-disciplinary technical and leadership experience, both in the private and public sectors. She received her BS in Civil Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Magna Cum Laude, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in several states. Maria also has a certificate in Board Governance, from the Wharton School of Executive Management.

Maria was the 2023 President of ASCE. She is the Vice Chair of President Biden’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council, since 2022. Maria also serves at the Legislative Chair for ACEC–NY. Maria has won numerous awards including and the ASCE President’s Medal, ASCE Lifetime Achievement Award for Service to the Profession in Region 1, National Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award, State University of New York at Buffalo’s School of Engineering Alumna of the Year, New York Governor’s Award for Excellence in Business and the New York State Society of Professional Engineers Engineering Manager of the Year. In 2022, Maria was inducted into the National Academy of Construction.

Marsha Anderson Bomar, F.ITE, Ph.D., AICP, ENV SP, F.ASCE, Pres. 26 ASCE

Marsha is currently a Transportation Strategic Advisor to GHD. In the past decade she has served as the Interim Commissioner of Transportation and Deputy Commissioner, Engineering for the Atlanta Department of Transportation and was the Assistant General Manager for Capital Programs Delivery with MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Regional Transit Authority).

She is currently the President Elect of ASCE and has previously served as a Board member and Treasurer. Marsha was President of ASCE’s Transportation and Development Institute, most recently chairing the 2024 International Conference on Transportation and Development and was also elected to the Technical Region Board of Governors. She has been a certified Envision TM Sustainability Professional and Trainer since 2013 and has brought her passion for sustainable and resilient infrastructure to all of her project work. She served as the Transit Chapter Chair on the 2019 Georgia Report Card and was an advisor on the 2024 edition.

She has a B.S. and M.S. from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now Tandon School of Engineering, NYU), as well as a M.S.E. in Civil Engineering from Princeton University and a Ph.D. from the College of Environment and Design at the University of Georgia. She served as an elected official on the Duluth (GA) City Council from 2006 – 2022 and was elected to the Inaugural Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority in 2018.

Marsia Geldert-Murphey, P.E., F.ASCE, Pres. 24 ASCE

Specializing in transportation and geotechnical engineering, Marsia currently works for the Lochmueller Group, a Midwestern consulting firm, where she is the Illinois State Director. She has three decades of experience in civil engineering and construction, and just completed a term as ASCE President.

Marsia led the St. Louis Section as president in 2006 and served on the ASCE Board of Direction from 2016-2019 as the Region 7 Director. She completed a term as ASCE President in October. Her extensive ASCE activities include service on several Society-level committees such as Public Policy and Practice, Program and Finance, Leader Training, and Diversity and Women, as well as serving as a mentor

Matt Kirby, P.E., MLE, M.ASCE

Matt is the Director of Rail Public Projects & Programs for Michael Baker International, focusing on publicly-funded improvements to both freight and passenger rail systems. He has 12 years of experience on various rail and roadway design and program management projects. In addition to working with CAI, he is currently the ASCE T&DI Local and Student Chapter Council Chair and a co-chair of the Report Card for Illinois’s Infrastructure, and previously served as an Illinois Section Director and Chair of the Illinois Section Chapter of T&DI. He serves in the community as a board member for the ACE Mentor Program of Illinois.

Matthew Brua, P.E., M.ASCE

Matthew is a Transportation Project Manager at Banner Associates in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Since graduating from South Dakota State University, he has designed and managed transportation projects in the Upper Midwest, with many of the projects being DOT-type. He has been involved with ASCE since being a student and is currently the President of the South Dakota Section.

Michael Miller, P.E., P.Eng., F.SEI, F.ASCE

Michael is Vice President of Engineering Services of Exo Group, LLC. He is an ASCE Fellow, and Chair of the new American Society of Civil Engineers structural loading standard for overhead power lines and has served on many other committees to develop manuals of practice and standards for the overhead power line industry over his 37 years in the overhead powerline industry.

He is also the engineer of record for thousands of miles of new high and extra high voltage transmission structure designs across multiple states in the US and Canadian Provinces and has worked for utilities (US-DOE Bonneville Power Administration) and for an international manufacturer of steel latticed towers and tubular steel poles. He is also an active member of IEEE and CIGRE. In 2012, Michael received ASCE’s Gene Wilhoite Award presented by the Structural Engineering Institute for his significant lifetime contributions to the advancement of the “Art and Science of Transmission Line Engineering”.

Michael Schipper, P.E., M.ASCE

Since 2001 Schipper has served as Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority’s Deputy General Manager for Engineering and Project Management. He is responsible for the planning, design, and construction elements of GCRTA’s Capital Improvement Program. At GCRTA he led the nationally recognized HealthLine Bus Rapid Transit program from preliminary engineering into final design, construction and operation.

Prior to joining GCRTA he managed and designed numerous highway, bridge, turnpike and municipal infrastructure projects in the private and public sector. He was the recipient of the ASCE Cleveland Section’s Outstanding Civil Engineer of the Year Award in 2010. He has Civil Engineering degrees from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and the University of Texas at Arlington and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the states of Ohio and Texas. He is a Past President of both the Cleveland Section of ASCE and the Cleveland Engineering Society.

Mike Tilchin, P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE

Mike has 42 years of experience in environmental science and engineering, and in project and program management. He serves as a Senior Environmental Consultant to Jacobs Engineering for Superfund, brownfields, water, and R&D programs for U.S. EPA.

Mike previously served as the vice-chair of EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC), and chaired NEJAC work groups on the Superfund program and community air monitoring, providing recommendations to the EPA Administrator on specific actions to make these programs responsive and effective in meeting the needs of environmental justice communities. Mike is on the Board of Directors for the Anacostia Watershed Society, an environmental group dedicated to cleaning up the Anacostia River and improving the quality of life for communities in the watershed through stewardship, advocacy, recreation, and education programs. He was a founder and is an active member of the American Council of Engineering Companies’ Remediation Work Group. He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia.

Norma Jean Mattei, P.E., Ph.D, Pres. 17 ASCE

Norma is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Orleans. Appointed by President Biden, she now serves on the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC). She served as the senior civilian Member and one of two civilian civil engineer Commissioners on the Mississippi River Commission (MRC), nominated by President Obama and as 2017 President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), chairing that organization’s Board of Direction that year.

Otto Lynch, P.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE

Otto has over 36 years in electrical substation, transmission, and distribution line design and construction on projects around the world. He currently holds the position of Vice President and Head of Power Line Systems at Bentley Systems. Prior to the acquisition, he served as President and CEO of Power Line Systems. Otto is a registered Professional Engineer and an active member of many ASCE, IEEE, and ANSI technical committees related to the overhead power line industry.

Otto was honored in 2012 by receiving ASCE’s Gene Wilhoite Innovations in Transmission Line Engineering Award and inducted as a Fellow in ASCE’s Structural Engineering Institute and a Fellow in ASCE. Otto was also the 2022 recipient of the ASCE Walter P. Moore, Jr. Award in recognition of his dedication to and technical expertise in the development of structural codes and standards.

Pat Lach P.E., CFM, M.ASCE

Pat is a Principal Engineer at Hey and Associates, Inc. working out of the Chicago office and he is responsible for the Chicago engineering staff. He has over 23 years of experience in both public and private sector planning, design and construction projects involving civil engineering, water resources, environmental engineering, wetlands/ecology, and landscape architecture. His areas of expertise include civil and site design, stormwater infrastructure design, green infrastructure planning and design, and hydrologic and hydraulic modeling practices.

His involvement with ASCE began in college at the University of Notre Dame and has continued throughout his professional career including serving on the Illinois Section Board as President, chairing the most recent Report Card for Illinois Infrastructure committee, serving on the ASCE State Government Relations and Grassroots committee, and now serving on the ASCE Committee for America’s Infrastructure.

Rebecca Shelton, P.E., F.ASCE

Rebecca is Director of a large metro Atlanta water, wastewater and stormwater utility serving over one million residents with a $500 million per year budget. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Central Florida and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She has more than 25 years of experience as a civil engineer and is a registered Professional Engineer in Georgia.

She was named 2022 Civil Engineer of the Year in Georgia by the American Society of Civil Engineers and has been recognized multiple times as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in Georgia Engineering by Engineering Georgia magazine. She is an active member of ASCE’s Committee for America’s Infrastructure, two time Past-President of the Rotary Club of Buford/North Gwinnett, and current Region 5 Governor for ASCE.

Reece Shaw P.E., MBA, BCPE, M.ASCE

With over 40 years of global experience, Reece is currently an Executive Vice President at TKC Engineering. Reece is known for his expertise in port and marine project, program, and construction management. His mission is to meet the needs of clients and stakeholders by creating value in their complex and multi-disciplinary projects through innovative and cost-effective strategies.

Rob Victor P.E., F.ASCE

Rob is a Vice-President and Mid-Atlantic Division Manager for Atkins Réalis. His current focus is operations, business development and involvement in large-scale infrastructure projects. Rob’s career has allowed him to live and work in Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Seattle, Baltimore, Washington DC, and New Delhi and Mumbai, India on a variety of infrastructure roles and projects.

He is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and is a past-Board Member. He chaired ASCE’s Advisory Committee that published the “2013 Infrastructure Report Card” and the “Failure to Act” Economic Report series. Rob grew up in St. Louis and holds a BS from the University of Michigan and a MS from the University of Illinois. He is a licensed professional engineer in six jurisdictions.

Ronald Carrington, P.E., M.ASCE

Ronald is a registered Professional Engineer and has been an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers since 1993. His 42-year career in the power line industry has included engineering and management of some of the largest transmission line projects in the US. He is an Executive Vice President of POWER Engineers, served on the POWER Board for 12 years, the past five as Executive Chair. In 2017, Ronald received ASCE’s Gene Wilhoite Award presented by the SEI for his significant lifetime contributions to the advancement of the “Art and Science of Transmission Line Engineering”.

Ronald is past Chair of the ASCE Electrical Transmission Structures Committee. He has also served as a Task Committee member and Vice Chair for the third and fourth editions of ASCE Manual of Practice No. 74. For the past 20 years he has served as a Steering Committee member for the Electrical Transmission and Substation in Structures Conferences held in 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2022 and is the current Chair for the ETS Conference for 2025. He is also the current Subcommittee Chair for Chapter 10, Atmospheric Icing for ASCE 7-28.

Terrence Smith, Aff.M.ASCE

Terence is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Smith’s Research & Gradings. He founded the company in 1992. For more than three decades, Smith’s Research & Gradings has conducted independent research and has provided analytics to finance critical infrastructure assets. He is also Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Smith Information Services, LLC, which provides restructuring and disaster recovery for critical infrastructure assets of sovereign, sub-sovereign and non-governmental organizations.

In March 2023, Terrence was appointed to the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) Electrification Subcommittee. In March 2024, he was reappointed to the NIAC to serve on the Disaster Response and Resiliency Subcommittee.

Tor Anderzen, P.E. F.ASCE

Tor lives in Palmer, AK. He is an Airforce Planner that has 20 years’ experience as an airport engineer. He serves on the ASCE Board of Direction as the Region 8 representative. Tor led the 2017 and 2021 Report Card for Alaska’s Infrastructure and is one of the authors of the 2025 Report Card for Alaska’s Infrastructure. Tor is one of the authors of the aviation chapter in ASCE’s 2021 and 2025 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure.

Vikas “Vik” Verma, Aff.M.ASCE

Vik is the Chair for the Broadband Section of the 2024 ASCE Wisconsin Section Infrastructure Report Card. Previously, he served as a member of the Dams Section of the 2021 ASCE Wisconsin Section Infrastructure Report Card. Vik has been an active member of ASCE for 25 years in both Texas and Wisconsin. Previously, he has served as President of the ASCE Northeast Texas Branch, Vice-President – Professional of the ASCE Texas Section, Chair of the ASCE. as Strategic Planning Committee, and other leadership roles within ASCE. Vik is currently employed as a Structural Engineer with Bassett Mechanical in Kaukauna, Wisconsin and is a licensed professional engineer in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Texas.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California, Davis, a Master of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, and a Master of Business Administration from The University of Texas at Tyler.