Between the release of the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, the implementation of a gas tax in states across the country, and waiting for President Trump’s highly-anticipated infrastructure plan, 2017 has been a full year for ASCE. Take a look at our 5 most read blog posts from 2017:
1. Legislation to Create National Infrastructure Bank Reintroduced
In May, legislators introduced the BRIDGE Act to establish a national infrastructure bank to give state and local governments another tool in the toolbox for financing infrastructure projects.
2. States Approve Major Transportation Packages
Across the country, a number of states, including California, Indiana, Montana, and Tennessee, invested in infrastructure through gas tax increases.
3. Welcome to the New InfrastructureReportCard.org
In March, ASCE released the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, which gave America an overall D+ grade, and launched a new report card website.
4. Oregon Legislature and Governor Reach Compromise on Gas Tax Increase
Oregon joined in on the gas tax trend that took place this year, implementing a 10-cent per gallon tax and bike fee. These changes will begin with a 4-cent increase in 2018, and will go into full-effect in 2024.
5. Infrastructure Wins on Election Night 2017
On election day, voters across the country showed up to approve infrastructure investment ballot measures.