2018 was a banner year for ASCE State Infrastructure Report Cards! Thirteen state and local report cards were released, each with a set of grades and information on regional infrastructure needs and opportunities. Importantly, these ASCE Report Cards are already yielding results. For example, in California, the 2018 Report Card for California’s Surface Transportation Infrastructure helped convince voters to reject a ballot measure repealing the state’s gas tax increase.
ASCE Infrastructure Report Cards are the product of countless hours of volunteerism from ASCE members — especially the Report Card Committee Chairs. In addition to a civil engineer and ASCE member, the Chair of a Report Card Committee wears many hats. They are a project manager, a legislative strategist, a spokesperson, an editor, and much more. Chairs dutifully ensure the Report Card gets across the finish line, and delivers the overarching message to policymakers and the public, which can result in significant improvements to the state’s infrastructure.
ASCE is grateful for the leadership, vision and dedication from the Chairs of 2018 Infrastructure Report Cards:
- Illinois – Darren Olson, P.E., D.WRE, M. ASCE & Patrick Lach, P.E., M. ASCE
- Michigan – Myndi Bacon, P.E., M.ASCE & Steve Waalkes, P.E., M.ASCE
- Idaho – Seth Olsen, P.E., M.ASCE
- Kansas & Missouri – Sheryl Gallagher, P.E., D.GE, M.ASCE
- Duluth – Craig Bursch, P.E., M.ASCE
- Kern County, California – Dan Cronquist, P.E., P.L.S., M.ASCE
- California Surface Transportation – Tony Akel, P.E., M.ASCE & John Hogan, P.E., M.ASCE
- Connecticut – David Chapman, P.E., M.ASCE & Omkar Jambotkar, P.E., M.ASCE
- Pennsylvania – Cathy Farrell, P.E., M.ASCE & John Caperilla, EIT, A.M.ASCE
- Minnesota – Jason Staebell, P.E., M.ASCE & Seth Spychala, P.E., M.ASCE
- Montana – Shari Eslinger, P.E., M.ASCE & Dan Karlin, P.E., M.ASCE
- Nevada – Chuck Joseph, P.E., M.ASCE & Tanner Hartranft, P.E., M.ASCE
Additionally, we are grateful for all the authors and reviewers that comprise the Committee that works alongside the ASCE Report Card Chairs. Thanks to these Committees, we are seeing exciting results. Local governments and state legislatures are investing in roads, bridges, water systems and more. These investments, along with improved leadership, planning, and preparation for the future, improve our quality of life and our economic competitiveness. Thank you!