Arrowhead to Weston 345 kV Transmission Line


The American Transmission Company completed the 220-mile Arrowhead to Weston 345 kV transmission line in 2008.  This project recently earned the ASCE State of Wisconsin Category D (over $20 million) Engineering Achievement Award. Originally proposed by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation and Minnesota Power in 1998, the American Transmission Company (ATC) took over the Arrowhead to Weston project in 2002. In January 2008, 10 years after the project was first proposed and 4 years after the start of construction, crews waved the American flag at the terminus of the line, marking the first high-voltage infrastructure addition to the system in nearly 30 years.

At a total cost of $435 million, the Arrowhead to Weston project offered several major challenges in the development, design, and construction phases. Now that the line is in service, it offers a significant benefit to the local and regional grid. Arrowhead Weston provides a reliable interstate connection to cheaper western generation, as well as the opportunity to perform much needed maintenance on the other lines that could not be accessed before.