Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Project


On October 15, 2008, the Palo Verde - Pinal West Project went into commercial operation. The PV-PW Project will serve Pinal and Maricopa counties in Arizona and consists of a new 55-mile single circuit 500kV transmission line that connects the Palo Verde area to the new Pinal West Switchyard.  The PV-PW Project has 6 Participants: Electrical District 2 (ED2), Electrical District 3 (ED3), Electrical District 4 (ED4), Salt River Project (SRP), Southwest Transmission Cooperative (SWTC) and Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP).  The capacity of the line is 1,400 MW and will increase the Arizona transmission system capacity in Pinal and Maricopa Counties.