State and Local Report Cards

When the American Society of Civil Engineers released the Report Card for America's Infrastructure, it raised public awareness about America's crumbling infrastructure. While the Report Cards and the attention they drew were effective in building public support for infrastructure renewal, civil engineers must continue to lead the discussion on viable solutions.

In order to broaden the dialogue on infrastructure renewal, ASCE has encouraged Sections and Branches to develop and promote Report Cards on infrastructure for their cities, states or regions. Sections and Branches can localize the national Report Card by focusing on infrastructure that is relevant to their community. Once a Report Card is completed, Sections and Branches can promote it to influence local residents and key decision-makers to support infrastructure renewal.

Arizona Report Card

California Report Card


Colorado Report Card

Delaware Report Card

Florida Infrastructure Report Card

Georgia Report Card

Illinois Report Card

Indiana Report Card

Kentucky Report Card

Maine Infrastructure Report Card

Maryland Infrastructure Report Card

Michigan Infrastructure Report Card


Nevada Infrastructure Report Card

New Hampshire Report Card

New Jersey Infrastructure Report Card

New Mexico Report Card

North Carolina Infrastructure Report Card

Ohio Infrastructure Report Card

Pennsylvania Report Card

Tennessee Infrastructure Report Card

Texas Report Card

Virginia Report Card

Wisconsin Report Card