Sewer Separation Project

Washington, DC

About a third of the District of Columbia is served by a single pipe that carries both wastewater and stormwater runoff. During dry weather, wastewater flows to the Blue Plains treatment plant. But during rain events, both the stormwater and wastewater from the Anacostia area flow in the same pipe, which is not big enough to handle the flows of very large storms. To prevent the combined water from backing up into homes and streets, the combined sewer system dumps the mixture into the Anacostia River. Though the untreated wastewater is diluted by stormwater, allowing this mixture to enter the river is no longer considered an acceptable solution.

To improve the health of the Anacostia River, the Washington Area Sewer Authority (WASA) is working with homeowners and businesses to separate their combined pipe into two separate pipes. DC WASA performs the separation at no charge to customers.