The American Society of Civil Engineers, founded in 1852, is the country’s oldest national engineering organization. It represents more than 160,000 civil engineers in private practice, government, industry, and academia who are dedicated to advancing the science and profession of civil engineering and protecting public health, safety, and welfare.

ASCE comprises 75 domestic and 17 international sections, 159 branches, and 131 younger member groups. The Society advances civil engineering technical specialties through nine institutes and leads with its many professional and public-focused programs. ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine—the built environment—while protecting and restoring the natural environment.

ASCE and its members have long advocated for the care of the nation’s infrastructure. ASCE issued the first Report Card for America’s Infrastructure in 1998. Since 2001, the Report Card has been released every four years. Using a simple A to F school report card format, the 2025 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure examines current infrastructure conditions and needs, assigns grades, and makes recommendations for how to improve in 18 categories of infrastructure.

ASCE’s sections also prepare State Infrastructure Report Cards, which give state and local leaders a perspective on infrastructure systems in their communities. State Infrastructure Report Cards follow the methodology of the National Report Card.

In addition to the Report Card, ASCE also releases policy reports on infrastructure issues. The most recent report, Bridging the Gap, looks at the impact federal infrastructure investments, 2022 through 2026, have had on America’s infrastructure investment gap and how ongoing infrastructure investment at the levels set by those laws would benefit America’s infrastructure and the consequences of returning to previous funding levels.