On Tuesday, two ASCE Infrastructure Report Cards were released in two very different states – Iowa and Utah. Iowa’s Report Card showed one good B grade, seven mediocre Cs, and three poor Ds for the state’s infrastructure. Iowa’s roads earned a C- while bridges earned one of the lowest grades of D+. Utah’s Report Card earned good B+ grades for transportation categories but lower C and D grades for water and water resource infrastructure like drinking water, dams, and canals. Both Report Cards recommended leaders take action to supplement their current funding sources to meet both today’s issues and tomorrow’s needs.
Both state legislatures have been actively discussing their state’s transportation challenges with bills in both states being debated. Yesterday, Iowa legislators took rapid action passing bipartisan legislation through both the Senate and the House and sent the bill to the Governor’s desk. Today, Iowa’s Governor signed the bill marking a significant victory for improving transportation in the state. In Utah, a bill has been introduced that would raise 10 cents for every gallon of gas sold in Utah and provide an additional $237 million for transportation over the next two fiscal years. Many of Utah’s bridges will soon come to the end of their lifespan. The same goes for roads, many of which cannot keep pace with the increase in the number of motorist. Will Utah’s legislators take action before their session ends to ensure a good transportation system for the state’s future?