Site icon ASCE's 2021 Infrastructure Report Card

This Week in Infrastructure: Get Noisier!

After Congress hit the snooze button on fixing the Highway Trust Fund last week, Transportation Secretary Foxx asked Americans to “get a little noisier” on the issue. You can take Sec. Foxx up on his request at

Newspapers across the country featured articles, op-eds, and letters to the editor voicing concerns about Congress’ punt last week and encouraging action for a long-term, sustainable solution. There are plenty of good reasons and sound arguments to share when discussing the value in a fix to the Highway Trust Fund. Instead of short-term gimmicks, there is growing support for an increased gas tax because of the value it would create through investment in roads and bridges.

A Highway Trust Fund that has adequate funds ensures that state DOTs can plan projects and leads to modern and innovative infrastructure. Northeastern University researchers shared technology that would help eradicate potholes. Ideas like this one are a great example of where infrastructure is heading, and a healthy Highway Trust Fund makes those innovations all the more likely.

Roads and bridges are not the only infrastructure sectors that are crying out for investment either, as evident from the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure’s D+ GPA across 16 sectors. In the past week, the need for investment in the drinking water and wastewater sectors has been particularly apparent because of the water main break at UCLA in California and the unsafe drinking water in the Toledo, Ohio area.

Infrastructure works as an interconnected system, making investment in every sector critical for the others as well. While your elected lawmakers are back home during August recess, take the time to “get noisy” and engage with them about the value in infrastructure investment. When the “noise” is a dialogue armed with economic stats, it can create a compelling argument to #FixtheTrustFund and invest in all sectors of infrastructure.