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The Highway Trust Fund Needs Fixing – New Report Looks at a VMT Tax

By 2022, the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), the main funding source for the federal government’s investments in highway and transit infrastructure and primarily funded by the federal motor fuels tax, is set to dry up. In anticipation of this, Congress is looking at long-term solutions to fund our surface transportation systems. One of those proposed solutions on the table is a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released an analysis on the VMT tax with a focus on commercial trucks. The report, entitled Issues and Options for a Tax on Vehicle Miles Traveled by Commercial Trucks,  examines the potential revenue generated from a nationwide VMT tax on commercial trucks. Estimates show that a VMT tax of 1 cent per mile in 2017 would have generated $2.6 billion in revenue if applied to all commercial trucks, or $1.6 billion if applied to combination trucks only (tractor-trailers).

Under the current gas tax system, HTF generated $41 billion in revenue but disbursed $54 billion for projects across the nation in 2017, relying on transfers from the Treasury’s general fund to stay afloat. A VMT is a viable revenue source, but the CBO points out a multitude of issues Congress would need to resolve before administering such a tax:

Of the four states that issue a VMT tax, Kentucky is the only one that is set at a flat rate (2.9 cents per vehicle mile traveled) and is set only for large combination trucks weighing more than 60,000 pounds. New Mexico, New York, and Oregon all issue a sliding scale tax based on vehicle weight. All four states predominantly enforce taxable miles from periodic odometer readings.

ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card gave America’s bridges, rail, road, and transit grades of “C+,” “D,” and “D-,“ respectively. These sub-par grades are a result of our inability to provide the needed revenue to support the HTF. Continued under-investment of the HTF will cause our transportation infrastructure to further degrade. As we look to improve our nation’s surface transportation infrastructure, we must urge Congress to increase the gas tax by 25 cents to ensure we have long-term stability. A VMT tax is just one recommendation to ensure we remain competitive in the changing, 21st century global marketplace, but it is not the only solution. ASCE recommends that adequate funding for planning, designing, operating, maintaining, and improving the nation’s transportation system be provided by a comprehensive program with sustainable dedicated revenue sources at the federal, state, regional, and local levels.