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Senate Appropriations Committee Releases FY 2023 Spending Bills

spending bills passed by congress

Late last week, amid a flurry of pre-recess activity, the Senate Committee on Appropriations released all 12 of their Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 spending bills. The nearly $1.7 trillion appropriations package includes $653 billion in non-defense discretionary spending, marking a 10.1% increase over FY 2022 levels, and $850 billion in defense discretionary spending, an 8.7% increase over FY 2022 levels.

ASCE continues to closely track the FY 2023 appropriations process. The Senate’s spending bills come shortly on the heels of the House of Representatives passing a package of six federal funding bills for FY 2023 by a 220-207 vote. 

Markups on the Senate package are not expected until after the August recess. A stopgap measure to continue government funding levels into the fiscal year that begins October 1st remains a strong possibility as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle negotiate spending totals. Here’s a closer look at the Senate spending bills:

2023 Spending for Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development 

The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies bill provides $106.6 billion in total budgetary resources for the Department of Transportation, which is $2 billion more than the FY 2022 enacted level. An additional $36.8 billion in advance appropriations was provided to DOT by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) for FY 2023. Highlights of the Senate’s transportation spending bill include:

Also included were $535 million for the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements program ($95 million less than the House bill) and $200 million for the Federal-State Partnership for State of Good Repair program ($355 million less than the House bill).

2023 Spending Bill for the Interior and Environment 

The bill for the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies provides $53.2 billion in total funding, a figure that is larger than the one included in the House bill, which provided $44.8 billion. Highlights of the Senate bill include:

Energy and Water Spending Bill

The Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies bill proposes $57.5 billion in total funding, which is slightly more than the $56.2 billion included in the House bill. The bill would fund the Army Corps of Engineers’ Civil Works program at $8.7 billion, which is $415 million more than last year but $130.7 million less than the House companion bill. Highlights for the Corps include:

The bill includes $49.3 billion for the Department of Energy, which is a little more than the $48.2 billion included in the House bill. This figure includes $362 million for the Electricity Account, which funds the Office of Electricity and Grid Deployment – an increase from the $350 million included in the House bill.

The Commerce, Justice, and Science Spending Bill

The Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) appropriations bill provides a total of $85.83 billion in discretionary funding. This amount is $10.05 billion more than the 2022 fiscal-year-enacted level and on the same level as the House Appropriations. This spending bill includes funding for:

This funding includes $8.3 billion for NSF research and related activities, an increase of $1.16 billion, and includes funding for the new Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships. NSF’s education and training programs would be funded at $1.3 billion, an increase of $321 million. This includes a more than $95 million increase to NSF programs that advance equity in science and engineering.

Included in the total is research funding at $776 million, an increase of 20%. This includes a $33 million, or 17%, increase for climate research and an increase of $20 million for high-performance computing upgrades that are critical for climate modeling.

Spending Bill for Homeland Security

The Subcommittee on Homeland Security appropriations bill proposes $81.9 billion in total funding, which is less than the $85.6 billion included in the House bill. Highlights include:

ASCE will continue monitoring these government spending bills as the legislation makes its way through Congress. In particular, we hope that both the Senate and House understand the critical need for adequate funding across the board for improving and modernizing America’s infrastructure. Investing in our infrastructure is a continued investment in American jobs and the health of our economy.