Site icon ASCE's 2021 Infrastructure Report Card

President Biden Releases FY22 ‘Skinny Budget’

Last Friday the White House sent Congress its initial $1.5 trillion budget request for discretionary appropriations in fiscal year (FY) 2022. Known as the ‘skinny budget,’ the document provides the first glimpse of President Biden’s spending priorities. The 58- page budget request is the first since 2013 that is not tied to spending caps, which Congress has implemented in the past to ensure discretionary defense spending and discretionary non-defense spending grow at approximately the same rate.

Overall, this initial insight to the President’s request shows a 16% increase in non-defense spending to $769 billion, while defense spending would see only a 1.7% increase to $753 billion. It is important to note that the skinny budget does not reflect further details on the $2.2 trillion American Jobs Plan or changes in taxation. These details will be included in a full budget proposal, which will be submitted later this spring.

ASCE has reviewed the proposal for some initial understanding about the President’s infrastructure spending priorities. Key infrastructure figures include:

For science and education, the proposal includes:

President Biden’s detailed budget request is expected to be delivered to Congress in the coming weeks. Both the House and Senate Appropriations Committee will then begin to review the requests as they develop their 12 annual spending bills. Current government funding expires on September 30th.

ASCE applauds the White House’s commitment to making strong investments in our nation’s infrastructure. We urge Congress to fund these agencies and successful programs, especially those included in our FY22 appropriations request letters. Providing more funding to core programs will reduce overhead costs and startup time while still allowing for significant and noticeable improvements across all sectors of U.S. infrastructure.

Our infrastructure is the backbone of our nation’s economy, and we ask Congress to engage in bold leadership so that we can restore America’s world-class infrastructure.