With Infrastructure Week around the corner, the release of ASCE’s most recent Failure to Act economic study, and more state action towards addressing infrastructure needs, this week has been significant for infrastructure awareness.
Infrastructure Week is May 16-23, and will call attention to why #InfrastructureMatters through events, media coverage, and education and advocacy efforts.
And as the new Failure to Act economic report reveals, our infrastructure is in need of increased investment and matters to the economy. Engineering News-Record, The Wall Street Journal and Reuters reported on the economic study, describing how infrastructure needs in the U.S. will exceed projected spending by $1.4 trillion over the next 10 years, and that surface transportation programs account for $1.1 trillion of the shortfall.
A prime example of surface transportation needs is transit, where malfunctions continue to be a grueling source of anxiety for many commuters, especially in the nation’s capital where the Metro subway system has had problem after problem. The New York Times, Engineering News-Record, USA Today and the Washington Post all reported about Metro’s ongoing safety issues.
On a lighter note, New Orleans can attest to the overt needs of surface transportation as some residents recently threw a “Sinkhole de Mayo” party to draw attention to a 30 ft. wide sinkhole in the middle of a highly traveled street. While this example pokes fun at our road issues, it reminds us that people are affected. Some states, like Iowa and Indiana have proposed funding plans to address their road and bridge needs in response to such high demand.
The Failure to Act study warns of underinvestment, while the Metro’s woes and New Orleans’ sinkhole exemplify it. Share that #InfrastructureMatters during Infrastructure Week by joining this thunderclap and sending a letter to your elected officials.