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Georgia earns a ‘C+’ on 2024 Report Card

On Monday, July 8th, the Georgia Section of ASCE released the 2024 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure at the state capitol building in Atlanta. The report featured 14 categories, receiving an overall grade of ‘C+’. This is the same grade as the 2019 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure. A ‘C+’ grade means Georgia’s infrastructure is in above-average condition but still requires attention. Georgia’s grade is two steps higher than the national average of ‘C-’ in the 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure.

The 2024 Georgia Report Card is particularly timely after the water main breaks in Atlanta in early June, which left parts of the city without reliable water service for a few days.

Twelve of the 14 categories evaluated in the Georgia Report Card received grades higher than the national Report Card. Two categories (rail and solid waste) earned the same grade as their national counterparts. These grades show Georgia remains committed to prioritizing its built environment, especially the infrastructure systems that help make Georgia an economic powerhouse. The grade for each category is in the chart below

Grade Infrastructure Categories
B+ Ports
B Bridges, Energy, Rail, Schools
C+ Aviation, Drinking Water, Roads, Solid Waste
C Public Parks
C- Stormwater, Wastewater
D+ Dams
D Transit

Members of the ASCE Georgia Section present the 2024 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure at the State Capitol on July 8, 2024

The release event featured ASCE Members Anita Atkinson and Julie Sechrist, along with Georgia State Representative Vance Smith and Georgia Public Service Commission Vice-Chairman Tim Echols.

Approximately 50 civil engineers from across Georgia spent months compiling and analyzing public information to get an accurate assessment of infrastructure across the Peach State, along with recommendations for how the grade can be improved moving forward.

What’s inside the report card?

The report card highlighted Georgia’s significant investment and increased funding for roads and bridges. Laws like the Transportation Investment Act of 2012 and Transportation Funding Act of 2015 have increased funding for roads by tying the gas tax to inflation. This has allowed Georgia’s roads to become the sixth best in the nation. The condition of Georgia’s bridges also has also improved, with 98 percent in fair or good condition, an increase from 93 percent in 2017 and 78 percent in 2013. Looking forward, road improvements may be threatened due to increasing vehicle efficiency and decreased gas purchases as more people switch to hybrid and electric vehicles.

Georgia’s role in helping America’s economy also got significant attention in the report card. Ports received the highest grade of B+, thanks in part to increased capacity and maintenance projects which will ensure ships are able to load and unload cargo efficiently, helping get goods in and out of the United States.

Georgia’s airports also play a significant role in the state’s economic success, with an annual economic impact of $73 billion, most of it from Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. The state has increased investment in aviation systems, and pavement conditions have improved since the last Report Card. However, it is worth noting that this grade decrease is only because public data available during the process of writing the 2019 Report Card significantly overestimated runway pavement conditions. With a clearer assessment of Georgia’s aviation infrastructure, the sector can better serve the state and nation’s air travel needs.

Georgia’s energy system received a ‘B’ grade, compared to a ‘C-’ grade on the Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. Georgia has invested billions in energy grid upgrades and accelerated its transition away from coal-fired power plants to nuclear, natural gas, and solar energy sources. With more people and businesses moving to Georgia and increased energy needs as more companies build new data centers in the state, a reliable and robust energy grid is vital for Georgia’s economic future.

Transit systems, which can help move the workforce necessary to continue economic growth, received the lowest grade on the Report Card with a ‘D’. Georgia’s 93 transit systems are still seeing fewer passengers than before the pandemic and face tough choices as the federal support that helped them weather the pandemic ends.

As Georgia continues to grow, the state’s water systems face higher costs to keep up with the rapidly increasing population. Georgians pay less than the national average for drinking water, and lower bills make it difficult for water utilities to cover the full cost of service, complete preventative maintenance, and grow for the future. Stormwater and wastewater systems also face new and increasing expenses to expand and serve the state’s growing population and increase the resilience of existing systems which are facing more frequent extreme weather events.

How can Georgia raise its infrastructure grade?

The recommendations to raise the grade inside the report include

What’s next?

With a new report card out, Georgia ASCE members will use it to advocate for improved infrastructure across the state – and help local and state lawmakers better understand Georgia’s infrastructure needs.

We’d like to thank each ASCE member in Georgia who contributed to the 2024 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure






Drinking Water



Public Parks




Solid Waste


