Site icon ASCE's 2021 Infrastructure Report Card

California Infrastructure Propositions Win at Primaries

Yesterday, California voters were tasked with weighing in on Propositions 68 and Propositions 69 in addition to making their candidate selections for November’s general election. These measures needed only a simple majority to pass:

Each measure was designated to appear on the June ballot by the State Legislature. Proposition 68 was sponsored by State Senator Kevin de Leon (D-24) and easily cleared the legislature to receive the Governor’s signature last fall.  Proposition 69 was part of the transportation funding package included in the Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB 1) passed in April 2017.

Californians may see an additional infrastructure measure on November’s ballot seeking the repeal of the gas tax increase.  This measure is being driven by residents and requires the certification of over 300,000 valid signatures.  We expect to see the result of the signature verification in the upcoming weeks.

Should the repeal make its way on the ballot, ASCE joins Fix Our Roads in urging a “no” vote on the repeal of the SB 1 gas tax increase. To learn more about how SB 1 dollars are currently being used in your community visit RebuildingCA.